Self Help
6 Rules to Improve Your Financial Health
Photo by Dany Kurniawan from Pexels
Tired of being the pay check-to-pay check person? You’re not alone. There are many people out there who could really use some help with their finances. The term “personal finance” is referring to the way you manage and plan your finances for your future.
Your financial decisions have an effect on your financial well-being, which is why it’s crucial to always be considering what we should do-in general-to help improve our financial health and habits. When we take care of our personal finances, we are setting ourselves up for a bright future. And to do that better here are six rules to improve your financial health. These six rules have really worked for me, and I’m confident that they can work for you too.
1. Do the Math: Net Worth and Personal Budgets
It’s important to understand both your net worth and your personal budget. Your net worth is your assets minus your liabilities. In other words, it’s what you own minus what you owe. Your personal budget is a plan that shows how you will spend your money over a period of time.
You can use these two concepts to help you make financial decisions. For example, if you want to buy a house, you’ll need to know how much it will cost and whether you can afford it. To do this, you’ll need to know your net worth and create a budget that includes the cost of the house.
By understanding both your net worth and your personal budget, you can make sound financial decisions that will help you reach your goals.
2. Recognize and Manage Lifestyle Inflation
Lifestyle inflation is the tendency for people to want more and more as they experience success. It’s natural to want more things, but it can be dangerous if you don’t recognize it and manage it.
This is one of the biggest barriers to financial success, because lifestyle inflation can make it difficult for you to save for retirement or other goals. You may think that buying a new car will make you happy, but if your income doesn’t support the purchase, then all that happiness will fade quickly when you have to start cutting back on other things to pay off your new car loan.
Lifestyle inflation can lead to overextending yourself financially – which can put you in debt – so it’s important to stay focused on your long-term goals instead of just enjoying the moment.
3. Recognize Needs vs. Wants – and Spend Mindfully
“I need this!” is a common phrase we use to justify our purchases. But do you really need that new car? Or that pair of shoes? Or that big-screen TV?
Needs are things you need for physical and emotional well-being, such as food and shelter. Want is anything that makes us happy, regardless of its cost.
Sometimes we don’t realize how much money we spend on things we want, or need to do something, because we want them so bad. If you’re craving a new TV set, or new clothes, or new shoes – get it! But don’t let yourself get carried away by your desires to the point that you don’t think about the cost of those items and whether or not they’ll make you happy in the long run.
There are two ways to approach this issue:
1. Take stock of your spending habits and see where you could be living more frugally without sacrificing your overall quality of life. This can be a little scary at first, but once you realize how little money is really changing hands in terms of what you really need versus what you think is a real need, then your outlook will change for the better.
2. Make a budget each month and stick with it, even if it means not getting some things that are on your wish list; just focus on those things that are truly necessary for survival.
4. Get Rid of Your Debt and Start Saving Early

Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels
Saving money can be a difficult task for many people, but it’s an essential step that you should take if you want to improve your financial health. The first thing that you need to do is get rid of your debt and start saving early. If you have more than one credit card, it’s time to pay them all off. This will not only help with the debt, but it will also give you more money to put towards your savings account.
Set up an automatic payment plan with your creditors so that you can make regular payments on time each month. Doing this ensures that there are no late fees or additional penalties for not paying on time, resulting in less available funds for investing in the stock market or other investments that require large amounts of cash reserves.
5. Check your CIBIL Score and Credit Report
Credit scores are used by lenders to determine whether you qualify for a loan and what interest rate you’ll pay. The higher your score, the better your chances of getting approved and of getting a low-interest rate.
A good CIBIL score is important because it indicates to lenders that you’re a low-risk borrower. That means you’re more likely to get approved for a loan and to get a lower interest rate. A high credit score can save you thousands of rupees over the life of a loan.
A good credit score can also help you get discounts on insurance premiums and save money on utility deposits. And if you’re ever in the market for a job, some employers will pull your credit report as part of the screening process. Therefore, keeping a check on your CIBIL Score and credit report becomes important.
6. Build and Maintain an Emergency Fund
An emergency fund is a crucial part of any financial plan. It’s important to have enough money set aside to cover unexpected expenses, like a car repair or medical bill.
Building an emergency fund can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Start by setting aside a small amount of money each month. Then, as your income grows, you can increase the amount you’re putting into your emergency fund.
Once you’ve built up your emergency fund, it’s important to keep it well-stocked. Review your budget regularly to make sure you’re still on track. And if you have any extra money left over at the end of the month, consider adding it to your emergency fund.
Final Thoughts
Following personal finance rules can help you achieve financial success, but it’s also important to develop habits that will lead to better financial health. Making smart financial choices starts with understanding your own finances and knowing what you can afford. From there, you can develop budgeting and saving habits that will help you make the most of your money.
When it comes to spending, it’s important to be mindful of your choices and only purchase what you need. Finally, staying on top of your finances by regularly checking in on your accounts and monitoring your credit report will help you make smart financial choices that lead to long-term success.
Shiv Nanda
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