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5 Tips from a Teacher for a Great Start to School


Greenville County Schools start on Thursday, August 8th, 2024- are you ready? We’ve put together a great list of back to school tips to ensure your kids’ school year gets off to a great start! We hope these tips from a teacher help your family get off on the right foot this year!

Are you ready for the first day of school? It’s that time!! I know, I know, you’re a hot mess of super sad to see them go back but very glad for a little extra quiet time. Here are a few tips to make sure everyone in the family is ready. ~Andrea Beam, KAG Contributor

Back to School Guide to Greenville, SC

Be prepared

The best way to be sure you and they feel comfortable is to have the necessary supplies. Supplies are easy to check off the list as you get them and you know just how awesome it feels to check things off the to do list! Be sure to think of the things the teacher doesn’t have down- lunchbox, bookbag, Kleenex (for you), extras for your house (you’ll need notebook paper for homework)…things like that.

Give it time

You and your child will both need time to adjust to the new schedule, teacher, and routines. Be patient with them and give yourself room for mistakes (theirs and yours). Build in a few extra minutes if you’re at a new school because, inevitably, you’ll start driving the same direction you’ve gone before and have to turn around. (Not that I’ve done anything like this before…)

Touch base with the teacher

Your child’s teacher wants to hear from you! Not all the time, naturally, but trust me- I love when a parent checks in to be sure there aren’t things on my wish list that I need or checks to see if there’s anything I need prayed over. Letting the teacher know you care about more than just the grade she’ll give will warm her heart!

Be sure you’ve signed up

Sign up for everything as early as possible. Join PTA, even if you can’t volunteer time. (It helps your child’s class win a prize.) Sign up to volunteer if you can- we need help! Get your kids registered for any programs you’d like them to participate in, such as Good News Club, after school, etc.

Take pictures for just you

Yes- post away with the first-day pictures, but be sure to take some personal ones just for you, like the kids brushing teeth and hair while getting ready or the oatmeal faces that laugh at breakfast. Those are really the memories we love anyway, right?!

Enjoy the school year. You’ll do great and they’ll be fine! (I say that to you as well as to myself!) Happy new year!!!

What’s your best tip for being ready for the new school year?

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Andrea Beam

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