17 simple cat makeup ideas if you need a last-minute Halloween costume
Halloween is upon us and most of us are excitedly planning our costumes and makeup. But for the less organised among us, a simple cat Halloween makeup tutorial might just save the day.
With the help of the internet, there truly are boundless Halloween costumes, makeup, and even nail ideas out there to celebrate the spooky season — ranging from super easy and last minute, to incredibly intricate. And whether you opt for vampire or otherworldly witch makeup, we’ve got you covered with helpful tutorials to guide you through every step – from layers of long-lasting base, to elaborate eye shadow and special effects.
Although there’s nothing quite like a well-thought out and elaborate Halloween costume, sometimes you just need something quick and reliable to head out the door minutes before your costume party. That’s where the cat Halloween makeup look comes in. It’s super easy and can be done in just a few super simple steps.
To help transform into the best cat possible, we’ve rounded up the best cat makeup ideas and tutorials. Whether you’re after sexy cat make-up, cute cat make-up or want to go all out for a cheetah-inspired take on cat-makeup this Halloween, we have all the inspiration you need right here.
For some, all you need is a slick of mascara, blusher, and some trusty eyeliner for the perfect feline flick. Trust us, it’ll only take you 10 minutes and potentially save the day on a last minute costume.
Others require a bit of extra kit – think false eyelashes, bronzing sticks (if you’re going for the glam cat makeup vibe) and even golf leaf. There’s some great ideas on these videos, you could simply mix and match some of the ideas to create your perfect version of cat makeup.
1 – The Easy Cat
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