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165 best bee jokes and bee puns to get you buzzing – Growing Family
If you’re looking for a light-hearted giggle, make a beeline for this hive of bee puns and bee jokes!
I’ve rounded up my favourite bee puns and bee jokes to make you smile. They’re great bee humour for school projects, greetings card messages, photo captions, or just a bit of fun!

Fun bee jokes
Here are some of my favourite funny bee jokes (or should that be honey bee jokes!?) to get you buzzing.
Why do bees hum? Because they can’t remember the words.
What did the bee say to the flower? Hey bud!
What do you call a bee thats returned from the dead? A zombee.
Which bee gives you a second chance? The plan bee.
What’s another name for a wasp? A wanna-bee.
I went to the bee keepers to buy some bees. All the bees had price tags on them except one. It was a freebie.
What did the bee say to the naughty bee? Bee-hive yourself.
What do bees chew? Bumble gum.
Which singers do bees love? Sting, Bee-yonce and the Bee Gees.
What do bees do when their friend moves into a new hive? They throw them a house swarming party.

What do you call a bee who is having a bad hair day? A Frizz-bee.
What’s black and yellow and flies at 30,000 feet? A bee on an aeroplane.
What do you call a bee that’s been put under a spell? Bee-witched.
Which sport do bees like the most? Rug-bee.
What do you call a Bee that works for the government? A pollentician.
What do you call a bumble bee trying to make up its mind? A maybee.
I’m holding a bee in my hands- what is in my eye? Beauty.
What’s another name for a baby bee? A little humbug.
Who says “zzub zzub zzub”? A bee flying backwards.
What do you call a bee that’s hard to understand? A mumble-bee.

A few more funny bee jokes for kids
What’s a bee’s favourite sport? Rug-bee.
A bumblebee, a spelling bee and a vitamin B got in a fight. The vitamin B1.
What do you get if you cross a horse with a bee? Neigh buzz.
Why are bees good at job interviews? Because they know all of the buzz-words.
What kind of bee hums and drop things? A fumble bee.
What’s a honey bee’s favourite kind of flower? A Bee-gonia.
How does a queen bee get around her hive? She’s throne.
What would bears be without bees? Just ears.
What do you call a beehive with no exits? Unbelievable.
Where did Noah keep his bees? In the ark hives.
What do you call a bee that falls down a hill? A stumble bee.

The best bee puns
There’s certainly no shortage of funny bee puns! Here are some of my favourite puns about bees.
As luck would hive it
Be on your best beehive-iour
‘Swarm today, isn’t it?
Hive it your way
We bee-long together
Bee mine
I’ll bee there
You’d better bee-lieve it
Bee cool

It’s bee-hind you
School buzz
Just bee yourself
You’re pollen my leg
Bee afraid, bee very afraid
Hive never felt this way bee-fore
Let it bee
Bee-lieve in yourself
None of your beeswax
Bee Whizz

Bee-hive yourself
A dose of vitamin bee
Bee yourself
I hive a dream
Truth bee told
Born to bee wild
Sending swarm wishes
And of course… Buzz off!

Honey puns and honey jokes
Why do bees have sticky hair? Because they use honey combs.
What’s a bee’s favourite body part? Their hon-knees.
Where do bees keep their savings? In a honey box.
What do bees say when they get home from work? Hi honey, I’m home!
What do bees do with their honey? They cell it.
Your honey or your life
Honey, you’re so sweet
Get your honey’s worth
You’re so honey
Honey-thing is possible
Honey, I’m home!
You’re sweeter than honey
Honey, I’m stuck on you
I’m having an epip-honey
Honey, comb here

More hilarious bee puns
You’re bee-autiful
Meant to bee
A force to bee reckoned with
Buzz word
Hive mind
A hive of activity
I don’t hive a clue
Hive five
Hive a nice day
The hive’s the limit
Queen bee
Like pollen teeth
Pollen power
Beauty is in the eye of the bee-holder
Bee positive
Bee prepared
Bee my love
Bee the change

Even more brilliant bee puns
To bee or not to bee
Buzzing with excitement
That’s ap-pollen
I’ve pollen in love
I’m bee-sotted
I promise I don’t sting
Not all it’s cracked up to bee
I want to bee alone
Not too shab-bee
Appearances can bee deceiving
Pollen is nothing to sneeze at
Give me a buzz
Having a buzzy day
Stop droning on
I mean bees-ness
On my best bee-haviour
The bee’s knees
Just winging it
I’d do honey-thing for you
Busy bee
Make a bee-line for it
These bee puns really sting!

Ready for more bee jokes?
What do bees call a pretentious wasp? Plain snob-bee.
What do you call a ghost bee? A bee boo.
What’s a happy bumblebee’s blood type? Bee positive.
What do you call a bee that’s always complaining? A grumblebee.
What goes zzub-zubb when it travels? A bee flying backwards.
What did one bee say to the other when they landed on the same flower? “Buzz off.”
What vitamin does a bumble bee take? Vitamin Bee.
How do bees invite their friends to a party? They send out pollen-vitations.
What do you call a bee that’s a bad loser? A cry bay-bee.
Why do bees skydive? Because they like the adrenaline buzz.
What do you call a bee that needs a drink? Bee-hydrated.
How can bees fly in the rain? They wear little yellow jackets.
What’s more dangerous than being with a fool? Fooling with a bee.
What do you call honey on a bee? A sticky situation.
When do bees get married? When they’ve found their honey.
What did the team of bees do after they won the game? They celebrated with hive fives.
Why did the bee visit the dermatologist? It had hives.
What do you call a swarm of really small queen bees? The royal wee.
What do you get if you cross a bee and a dog? A bee-gle.
How do bees communicate with each other? They use bee-mail.
What did the bee bank robber say to the tellers? “Your honey or your life.”
What do you call a bee that can’t stop talking? Blab-bee.
Why did the bee deliver a cold pizza? He didn’t know where to buzz in.
Who looks after baby bees? Ba-bee sitters.

What do bees like with their sushi? Wasa-bee.
What do you get when you cross a bee with a doorbell? A hum-dinger.
What do you call a bee that was born in May? A may-bee.
How do bees get to work? On the buzz.
What do you call bears without ears? Bees.
Why do bees love summer? Because it’s swarm outside.
What did the bee say to his girlfriend? “I’ve pollen in love with you.”
What did the bee say to the flower? “Hi, honey!”
What do you call a bee that doesn’t cost anything? A free-bee.
What do bees ask for at the barber shop? A buzz cut.
What’s a bee’s favourite fast food? Hum-burgers.
What’s a bee’s favorite painter? Pablo bee-casso.
What’s a bee’s favourite flower? A bee-gonia.
What’s a bee’s favorite composer? Bee-thoven.
What’s a bee’s favorite novel? The Great Gats-bee.
What’s a bee’s favorite sport? Rug-bee.
What’s a bee’s favourite shape? A rhom-buzz.
What’s a bee’s favourite toy? Buzz Lightyear.
What’s a bee’s favorite singer? Bee-yoncé.
What’s a bee’s favourite gemstone? Ru-bees.
Where do bees like to go on holiday? Sting-apore.
Where else do bees like to go on holiday? The bee-ch. (more beach puns here)
What philosophical question always confuses bees? To bee or not to bee.
What do you call a bee that lives in America? A USB.
What’s the worst part about getting stung by bees? Tomorrow you’re going to have to take care of those hives.
I hope you don’t think these bees jokes and cute bee puns are too shab-bee! 🐝 🐝 🐝
More funny garden puns and garden jokes
I hope you’ve enjoyed this roundup of jokes about bees and bee puns. For more funny puns and jokes, check out my other posts:
Sunflower puns and sunflower jokes
Ice puns and water jokes
Puns about birds and bird jokes
Garden gnome puns and gnome jokes
Vegetable puns and vegetable jokes
Pumpkin puns and pumpkin jokes
Spring puns and spring jokes and Easter jokes for kids
Fall puns and fall jokes for autumn fun
Halloween jokes for kids and Halloween puns
You might also like my post on garden quotes which has lots of inspiring sayings about plants, flowers and gardening, and my flower quotes, nature captions and nature quotes, quotes about sunflowers, tree quotes and waterfall quotes posts which have some lovely uplifting quotes about nature. I’ve also got an article listing the best nature hashtags that will help you share your posts far and wide on social media.

Fun nature activities for kids
I’ve also co-written two books called *‘A Year of Nature Craft and Play’ and *A Year of Nature Walks and Games’ which are all about getting kids engaged with nature. Each one is filled with fun games, walks, crafts, gardening and science activities that inspire kids to get creative with nature and explore the amazing natural world. There are 52 budget-friendly nature play ideas, one for every week of the year, all with easy-to-follow instructions and colourful photos. If you’d like to encourage the kids to get outdoors more they’re well worth a look!

More garden and nature inspiration
For more gardening and nature inspiration you might like to take a look at these posts:
Easy ways to make your garden bee-friendly
What to plant gardening calendar
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