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15 best Black love stories of all time across film, television and books


Black love stories depicted in movies, television shows and books have always been the epitome of true romance. Stories that we have rooted for, romance that we have gotten behind and the real-world societal issues that they have overcome that have always inspired us, these tales of unity are extraordinary.

With Black History Month upon us, we wanted to highlight the best relationship stories out there that embody black love, whether it’s a fan-favourite couple in our favourite series or a duo that has been through thick and thin to stand together till the very end. Some of these stories are nuanced and beautiful, while others pack a powerful punch when it comes to leaving us with a deeper meaning of love while portraying some of the stigmas and hardships that black couples face in the real world. In general, we can all learn a lesson or two from these love stories, whether it’s navigating the everyday family lives like Beth and Randall Pearson or the grief and traumas experienced by Queen & Slim.

So, without further ado, here are our best black love stories and representation across movies, television and books


Jabeen Waheed

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