While the ancient system of numerology and modern-day angel numbers are not inherently connected, traditionally speaking, there are some parallels worth noting. To understand 1222 as an angel number, it can help to understand what these two digits mean in numerology individually.

As medium and angel number expert Megan Michaela Firester (aka Mystic Michaela) previously told mindbodygreen, she thinks of the number 1 as the “Architect” number.

“It essentially means that you have the ability to create. When you see this number, it’s a strong sign from the universe that you are being supported with powerful forces to manifest in your life,” she explains, adding, “Whether this is love, career, health, or a courageous pursuit, you are being reminded that you create your own reality.”

And according to Richardson, in terms of the number two, it often has a soft, gentle energy signature. “It’s a number that represents harmony, cooperation, and presence in the here and now.”

As numerologist Michelle Buchanan previously explained to mbg, life path two’s are also known as the peacekeepers. “They’re detail-oriented, nurturing, intuitive, creative, and supportive—however, they must learn to love and believe in themselves and learn to say no,” she says.

Sarah Regan

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