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10 Horror Movie Characters That Teach Entrepreneurship Skills


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The name of my business is Hollywood Sensation Jewelry, which means I don’t just love glamour, I love movies too! Now it’s Halloween season, putting many of us in the mood for a spine-chilling movie starring a hero we can cheer for or a villain to hate as they demonstrate valuable skills in ! Yes, there are many lessons we can learn from some of our favorite horror movie characters. So, kick back with your favorite movie-time snack (make mine chocolate-covered raisins, please), and grab a pillow to hide behind. Prepare yourself to be scared successful!

Here’s how these famous movie icons get the job done:

Sticking to it and making it work

Jason Vorhees (Friday the 13th Part 2, 1981, etc.) and Michael Meyers (Halloween, 1979, etc.).

Mr. Vorhees and Mr. Meyers have two important traits to teach us: persistence and flexibility. These two goal-oriented, do-it-yourselfers won’t be stopped from achieving their aims, regardless of what obstacles are put in their path. If anything, they seem to enjoy challenges, preferring to see them as learning experiences. When they start a project, they don’t stop until the work is done, no matter how often they are delayed. And their flexibility is unparalleled! Both self-employed gents work effectively in any environment (, campgrounds, outer space, the underworld) because they know their craft so well that they can switch mediums easily while still producing reliable results.

Related: 5 Ways to Master the Persistence That Makes a Great Entrepreneur

Carving out a new niche

Freddy Krueger (A Nightmare on Elm Street, 1985, etc.)

Back in the 1980s, in a full industry that didn’t seem to have room for yet another artiste of his flavor, Freddy carved a new niche by dealing with his clientele in their sleep. This move made meetings easier for him and set him apart as the “one guy” who could take care of business during the wee hours. That’s a real time-saver, and people noticed. By taking this step, Mr. Krueger broke new ground and ensured he had repeat business for decades.

Related: Your Halloween Candy Will Be Smaller This Year (And Not Just Because of Inflation)

Being the best at what you do

Father Merrin (The Exorcist, 1973).

Father Merrin sets the standard by being an established expert in his field. A position he has attained by becoming a vetted, certified thought leader whose opinion and skills are highly sought by people — including celebrity clientele. When a devilish problem requires only the most qualified professional, he’s the one to contact. Nobody is better at handling demanding clients. He even makes house calls.

Making a career switch when the time is right

Hannibal Lecter (The Silence of the Lambs, 1991).

After his lucrative career as a medical professional, Dr. Lecter becomes a part-time consultant for the FBI from a small, underground office. He is a prime example of a midlife career change, moving from a rewarding but stressful and time-consuming career in medical psychiatry to a freelancing job where he can relax and pursue his interests. Now he takes only the cases he chooses to work on while enjoying hobbies like cooking and travel.

Balancing life when working from home

Jack Torrance (The Shining, 1980).

Jack agrees to spend the winter as the caretaker for an isolated hotel, a job he takes pretty seriously. However, when working from home, it’s essential for your health and happiness to have downtime. Without the traditional job “markers” of a commute, or an office, at-home workers can feel they never get a break. Jack knows that when your home is also your office, it is important to spend time with the family, enjoy the outdoors, and make new friends. Remember Jack’s motto, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”

Pivoting business when times get tough

Norman Bates (Psycho, 1960).

Norman runs his family’s motel, but business hasn’t been so great since the highway moved. How does Norman deal with being “off the beaten path?” By introducing specialized services that guests can find nowhere else, ensuring that clients are well looked after. Norman makes his motel so unusual that soon, people are actively seeking him out and can’t stop asking questions!

Breaking away from the pack

Victor Frankenstein (Frankenstein, 1931).

There’s much to admire in an inventor who chooses their own path, saying, “maybe we can do better than the way it’s ‘always been done before.'” When Dr. Frankenstein’s colleagues refuse to think outside the box, misunderstanding his project, they discourage him from venturing into promising new territory. Never mind; this brave doctor takes matters into his own hands. He opens a private laboratory, does his own research and development, and gets results that have crowds raving.

Making your customer experience unforgettable

Annie Wilkes (Misery, 1990).

The name of the game for Ms. Wilkes is customer service. As one of the first to discover the passive income boom of the Airbnb industry, she has only one guest at a time in her spare bedroom. Still, she devotes all of her attention to him, ensuring that his stay will be long and memorable. In an era where customer reviews and word-of-mouth mean everything, her name and reputation precede her.

Working with the environment in mind

Leatherface (and family) (the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, 1974).

Let’s hear it for farm-to-table, family-run businesses! The is alive and well in this crafting family, with several generations working together on their sustainable homesteading project. They were downsizing before it was cool and barely leaving a carbon footprint, except for a little bit of chainsaw gasoline.

Now take a page from their scripts

As you move forward with your entrepreneurial plans, remember that many of your favorite movie characters can inspire you through even the tough times. There are plenty more great entrepreneurial examples in horror cinema: the alien (Alien, 1979) who learns to grow, adapt, and take charge in a foreign setting; Chucky (Child’s Play, 1988), who didn’t let his small start-up size discourage him; or Jigsaw (Saw, 2004), who has an incredible grasp on branding. Follow the example of these go-getters, and I’m sure you’ll be ready to take on the most difficult challenges!

Related: Jeffrey Dahmer-Inspired Halloween Costumes Banned at eBay Amid Netflix Series Backlash


Mary Hood

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