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Yup, Meghan Markle is “that mom” and we can totally relate


Add this to the list of things that all moms do at one time or another (and another, and another, and another).

Do you ever start singing a song to yourself and as you’re quietly rocking out, you realize it’s literally a Cocomelon jam about eating peas? Yeah, us too. And same goes for Meghan Markle, who said she’s totally “that mom” in a new interview with Variety, where she also shared her kids’ fave TV shows and a bit about the family’s morning routine.

StoryBots is fantastic, it’s such great educational programming for kids that’s fun—so many good songs,” said the mom to Archie, 3, and Lilibet, 1. “And I’ve become that mom where I am sitting around with friends and I’m singing ‘Tyrannosaurus, that’s the chorus’ and I’m like, ‘What am I singing? Oh, my gosh, I’m singing StoryBots.’ I am singing StoryBots, I am not singing Beyoncé in that moment, I am singing StoryBots.”

We’ve all been there. Wait ’til she hears the song about the planets of the solar system (the number of times complete strangers have heard me singing about the plight of side-lying Uranus is too many to count).

Check out the snippet from her interview below:

Although she says one-year-old Lili doesn’t watch TV yet (it’s recommended to wait until age two), the Duchess of Sussex shared Archie’s other fave shows: Octonauts and The Magic School Bus.

“He thinks it’s great,” she says of the iconic educational show starring Miss Frizzle. “So that’s been pretty fun to see it again through his eyes.”

Like so many parents right now, Meghan and Harry are enjoying working from home and spending more time with their little ones. “I make breakfast, and we get the kids set for the day,” she says of their morning routine. “It allows us to have significant time with our kids at this really special moment in their lives. We’ll never get this time back.”

As for what happens once the kids are in bed, the 41-year-old and her royal hubby are all of us: a little Wordle and some White Lotus. Otherwise, it’s the good old search and bail: “I think we’re like most people, where you just do endless searching until you get tired of searching, you don’t watch anything!”


Jessica Pollack

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