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Your words: ‘How did the state park initiative catch us all off guard?’ and ‘A statement on the execution of Loran Cole’


How did the state park initiative catch us all off guard?

I’m sure you are getting a lot of inquiries and comments regarding the controversial state park initiative. I am of course upset as well about this crazy initiative and have so many questions but will keep my comments brief.

I’m trying to do some research to see how this initiative was started and how it caught everyone, including law makers, regulators, the press and the public, off guard. A few facts:

— This is not the first time something like this has been tried. Back in 2011 Gov. Rick Scott teamed up with the Jack Nicklaus company to try and build courses in Florida public parks and it failed.

— The Nicklaus family has always had close relationships with Florida Governors, including Gov. DeSantis.

— Recently a Florida arbitrator resolved a dispute between Jack W. Nicklaus and the Nicklaus Companies LLC (which Nicklaus sold back in 2007) by ruling that Nicklaus no longer is restricted by an employment agreement with the company that included a non-compete clause that expired on June 1, 2022. The ruling means the Golden Bear, 84, is now free to design golf courses and solicit the companies’ customers and employees. The case had been ongoing for six months.

Question: Is it just a coincidence that this initiative was so quickly introduced by Gov. DeSantis and the FL DEP just 15 days after the arbitration decision to allow Nicklaus to build golf courses again? It just seems to be too coincidental, don’t you think?

I think there is a great story here you may want to look into deeper as the public is really upset over this initiative. Many Floridians can’t afford to pay for rent, food and clothes for their children and they are not out golfing!

 Thank you for your time and I look forward to seeing more of your articles on this important subject!

— Guy LaTorre, St. Augustine

A statement on the execution of Loran Cole

Thursday night, we the people of the State of Florida executed Loran Cole.

While there is never a legal or moral justification for the death penalty in modern society, Loran’s execution feels particularly calculated, and particularly hypocritical.

Less than a month before the Governor chose Loran for execution, he and the Legislature recognized the lifelong and devastating harm the State caused to children who were sentenced to the Dozier School for Boys, acknowledged their deep suffering and allowed survivors to apply for compensation.

And yet, tonight we executed a Dozier survivor. Loran spent several months there as a teen. He was beaten, raped, and forced to clean up the remains of other tortured children.

In Florida, the Governor has the sole discretion on when, whether, and for whom to set an execution. The process is shrouded in mystery and secrecy. We have no way of knowing how or why Loran was chosen, and no way of knowing who might be next.

This week, we tried to take more than 7,000 signed petitions to the Governor, to let him know the people of the State of Florida and beyond did not want Loran’s execution to proceed in their name. We were told that due to construction, there is no way for the public to access the Governor’s office. Not even a makeshift reception area to allow Floridians’ voices to be heard. The clemency board was also short-staffed this week, with most of its personnel away at a conference.

A selection process shrouded in secrecy. No way for the public to make its voice heard. Key officials unavailable the week we are killing a human being. This is no system of orderly justice.

We the people of the State of Florida deserve and demand better. 

— Maria DeLiberato, Floridians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty

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