Hepatitis B
… what do all these have in common? Besides being meaty, gooey and deeeeelicious!
Soon, FizerP (the P is silent) will be constructing new variants in their secret underground labs where organ music plays all night long by a man in half a mask – but it doesn’t cover his mouth! (Story later) …
… and these variants will all be based on sexually transmitted diseases! Just to make you shit your pants! (also a basis for a new variant, to be called the “Shitocrom Pox”). And they’ll ONLY attack your genitals … until you all get used to that, then they’ll be said to attack a lot more – right down to the taint!
Why do this? Ffffizzzer “scientists” (all named Mengele, for some reason, and twins, triplets, clones, Terminator-like cyborgs, etc) said “People just aren’t scared enough of the Covid virus. Lots are, but according to the math we did before we created and released the virus on the world to sell our “vaccine” and make big big money … too many people stopped being afraid. Even those who got the first two shots won’t get more – they have doubts! Doubts! Didn’t we ridicule them enough in the media and tell all world leaders to attack their own populations who don’t OBEY no matter what? Well now, we’re gonna hit ‘em where it hurts – right in the balls! That’ll make those freethinkers OBEY!”)
And you thought having a cough was too much fun. Wait until you can’t visit grandma ‘cuz she has something called the “Tijuana Hep B Blaster” or more 1950s sci-fi horror names (I stole that comparison from Naomi Wolf) like the “Giant Mutant Crabs from Blerkon 3!” or maybe your co-workers will come down with a case of the “SyphHerpAlphaSquid Pox” from Hosaka, Japan and everybody gets a couple weeks off under house arrest! Yay!
Yes, if your next disease comes from a country where you’ve probably never been, then it must be real. And if you DO come from such a country, you must feel ASHAMED and take all the blame that the whole world will pile onto your shoulders. (And not on PPPPffisser’s shoulders).
Those poor people are the Corona Beer Company in Mexico … yet still, America punishes their wall-jumpers just because they don’t want Mexican beer in Texas. (I’m guessing, I don’t know geography too good.)
“Everybody stop fucking, or you will die!” … is the next message to be advertised soon since it might be a better method of controlling the population than killing off all the grannys and grandpas.
Please OBEY your local pharmacist.