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You Really Can’t Hide From God
You know, it’s pretty hard for people to lead with their weaknesses as opposed to showing off their perceived strengths. We all like to let the world see us in our best light. It’s for other reasons that we want to keep our shortcomings hidden in the dark, hopefully never to see the light of day. Some of us can even trick ourselves into believing that our true self is the one we show to others and not the one we take to bed with us, by ourselves each and every night. The longer we hide from ourselves, the more we’re likely to have difficulty understanding and then dealing with who we really are as people. Some might call it denial.
The problem with spiritual denial is it’s impossible to do. You cannot deny your own sinfulness. You cannot hide from your own sin. There is no rationalization for the exclusion of God in your life. Regardless of how much you want to show the world your high moral standards or perceived high spiritual standing, when it comes right down to you and God, that dog simply won’t hunt. In order to get your life in balance, you must first recognize the futility of trying to come off to others as if sin is not a part of who you really are. Then again, isn’t it how you come off to the Lord that’s the issue?
After all, when the lights go out, and it’s just you, are you really alone? Maybe that’s why some people need to have anything but silence and solitude as companions. In relation to God, it’s not a very comfortable situation because you know, in God’s eyes, you’re never alone. You know, in God’s eyes, you can’t even run, let alone hide. Wherever you are, He is. Whatever you are, He knows. Whatever you did, well, that’s the nature of God. And the nature of the Lord says to lead with your weaknesses. Bring Him your sins. Confess, and then, maybe, then, and only then can you and your God take positive action about your life. But first, we’ve got to take care of the basics. Empty the closet. Acknowledge the dirt. Understand its nature. Then, bring it into God’s house. He’s the only one who can clean it up anyway. He’s the only one who can, and by His nature, will accept what He’s interested in. That’s one of the many beauties of Christ Jesus. His life and death and life paid for and took care of the need to hide your sinful nature from anyone.
“He who conceals his sins does not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy.” Proverbs 28:13.Confession allows God to enter into the picture. Confession is a declaration that comes from a place inside you that you mistakenly think is controlled by you. Once you recognize and accept who is really in control, then from that point on, you become an example to the world that openly declares, My name is (insert your name), and I’m a sinner who has been saved. God has accepted me for who I really am. It’s now your turn because, without Him, I am nothing. With Him, I am everything. Look at me and learn. Examine me and see Him. I am who I am, blessed in the sight of God, and I pray that He will also bless you always.
James Washington
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