World News
You have 20/20 vision of a master shopper if you spot card amongst gift bags
YOU may have the perfect eyesight if you can spot the odd one out in this puzzling image.
Among all these Christmas presents, there is one carefully camouflaged celebratory card.
Only a veteran Christmas gifts shopper can find the card in less than seven seconds.
Optical illusions use a range of bright colours or various shapes to confuse the minds of readers.
But such puzzles can reveal a lot about the way human brain works.
Did you spot the card yet?
more brain teasers and puzzles
It might be pressuring to do it with a time limit, but take a careful look and the answer might be just in front of you.
Only a seasoned shopaholic with sharp vision and great concentration can take up this baffling task.
Here’s a hint for you- look out for the red colour.
Scan the image bit by bits and the card will reveal itself to you.
Take a break from the image and sharpen your vision with a different puzzle, then come back with a fresh outlook.
You can jazz up your time and find the second female dancer strutting her stuff within ten seconds.
This mind-boggling puzzle is a brain teaser for people with sharp reflexes of a ballroom whiz.
Here’s a clue: try turning the picture at different angles.
The answers to puzzles are at the end of the page.
If you figured out the answers to both, you might be an experienced puzzlers with a sharp eye that even hawks would envy.
If you failed this task, don’t worry – you can practice your skills with other puzzles.
Try spotting the diver’s missing shoe on the seafloor in this colourful, underwater brain teaser.
The answer to the shopping bags puzzle is at the top right corner of the image.
Can you see a red card with Christmas trees drawn on it?
That’s the answer you’ve been looking for.
Aiya Zhussupova
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