Pop Culture
X. Ari’s New EP, Neuroplastic As Tarot Cards
We at The Honey POP love Toronto alt-pop artist, X. ARI. Her previously released singles, ‘Frenemy’ and ‘Lifeline‘ got us hooked. We’ve been anxiously awaiting her new EP, Neuroplastic and it’s finally out! Neuroplastic is all about X. ARI’s mental health journey. While it’s personal to her, the tracks will resonate with anyone who’s also ever struggled with mental illnesses. You can stream Neuroplastic on Spotify! While listening to the EP, we found parallels between the tracks and tarot cards.
‘Neuroplastic’ — Justice
The title track is all about taking accountability and putting in the work needed to heal. And the Justice card represents cause and effect. If you put in the effort, it will make a difference!
“If I want to be rewired, it’s up to me to build my powerhouse.
Construct a fortified force field, shelter of love,
morphing ’til I’m healed.”
‘Frenemy’ — The Tower
There’s no denying that sonically, ‘Frenemy’ is an absolute bop. But the song itself is about the chaos of bipolar disorder. The Tower card is just like it looks. It represents chaos and destruction. Although it’s always temporary, it doesn’t necessarily make the situation easier.
“I used to pretend it wouldn’t happen again,
’cause when he shows up everything blows up.”
‘Thank Me’ — Strength
This is one of our favorite songs from the EP. ‘Thank Me’ is all about inner strength. Sometimes we don’t give ourselves enough credit, especially when mental illness is involved. Even just taking it one day at a time is an accomplishment!
“The biggest champion I need is me.
Now I gotta thank me.”
‘How Are You Really?’ — The Hermit
‘How Are You Really?’ may be a short song title, but it packs a big question. Especially if “I’m fine” is your “go to line.” The Hermit represents introspection and self-reflection. If you ask yourself, you’ll find an answer to ‘How Are You Really?’
“Why bother with the small talk?
Let’s get to the hard stuff, like healing.”
‘Lifetime’ — The Star
‘Lifeline’ is about self-forgiveness. We chose The Star because it represents positivity and healing, especially after going through a difficult time. In the deck, it comes directly after The Tower card (like we said earlier, represents chaos and destruction), which makes it even more meaningful.
“Give me forgiveness, give me a chance to carry on.
Heal from the past, break free at last.”
‘RIP’ — Death
Okay, this one is kind of obvious, but it matches up perfectly. Just like ‘RIP,’ the Death card is all about transformation and rebirth. Despite its appearance, it’s honestly one of the most positive cards in the deck, in our opinion.
“If I gotta bury the old me, I’ll dig my grave.
Anything to save my sanity, gonna be born again.”
So, what do you think of our picks for X. ARI’s new EP, Neuroplastic? Have any additions you’d like to add? And what do you think of Neuroplastic? Let us know on Facebook, Instagram, or by tweeting us @thehoneypop!
Want more tarot content? We got you, honey!
Aera Ahn
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