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World of Warcraft’s new trading post sounds like a reverse battle pass


World of Warcraft is setting up a “Trading Post” full of in-game cosmetics, and from the description it sounds like a nice alternative to the usual battle pass model seen in so many other (and younger) games today.

That’s partly because there’s no call to spend real money to accelerate through the pass, and no way to spend any in the first place. Players also can choose from items on offer, rather than receive a fixed reward at an arbitrary XP rank. The Trading Post will bring back items from old promotions as well as offer cosmetics that are normally available from the in-game store for actual cash. Transmogs for your gear will be available, as well as pets and mounts, all on a monthly rotation.

This means a new currency joins the game (sigh) but it’s usable only at the Trading Post and, again, can’t be bought. Moreover, every player with active game time on their account will get 500 of this Trader’s Tender at the beginning of the month. They can earn more tender from a monthly set of themed activities, such as “Resurrect Players,” or “Imbibe Zanzil’s Slow Poison.” They’ll also earn it just for regular play, like completing quests or running dungeons.

Image: Blizzard Entertainment

The Trading Posts will be set up (“soon,” says Blizzard) in Stormwind and Orgrimmar — “just outside of the Mage District in Stormwind,” and “next to Grommash Hold in Orgrimmar.” (The posts are not available in World of Warcraft Classic or the two classic expansions.) The “Collector’s Cache” chest containing players’ free and earned Tender is located next to each post. Open it and get your money; based on screenshots, 500 Trader’s Tender is good for a couple of small items.

“We’ll be iterating on this new feature as we test on the [public test realm],” Blizzard wrote. “The final Trader’s Tender amounts are subject to change.”

Items offered in the Trading Post will expire and rotate out, though players may select one item to preserve while they earn Tender to claim it, if they wish. “This is just the start of what we hope will be a rewarding new system for players to further personalize their character and their experiences within World of Warcraft,” Blizzard says.


Owen S. Good

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