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Fact Checking

Woman Dragged Down Stairs by Paranormal Forces in Viral Video?



A video shows a woman in real life being attacked by paranormal force such as a ghost or demon.


On July 7, 2024, a X account posted a video that claimed to show grainy footage of what appeared to be a woman being dragged by her feet across the floor and down a set of stairs as she cried, “Oh, God, please. Let go of me.” At the time of this publication, the clip had gotten more than 16,000 likes.

When we first fact-checked this claim in January 2024, posts falsely implied the clip was genuine and showed an attack by paranormal forces, perhaps by a ghost or demon. But the most spooky thing about the video is where it came from —  it originally appeared in part of the “Paranormal Activity” horror movie franchise. 

Snopes searched through “Paranormal Activity” movie trailers made available online through the Internet Movie Database, or IMDb. We found that a portion of the video scene was shown in both the trailer and as part of the movie poster:

A Google keyword search using the terms “paranormal activity 2 scene women gets pulled by feet” returned this scene from the 2010 installment, “Paranormal Activity 2.” The video was posted by Fandango Movieclips to YouTube on Aug. 18, 2016.

At the 34-second mark, the woman in the scene below is shown to be seemingly grabbed by her legs and pulled across a nursery room before being dragged down the stairs – exactly as it was shown in the videos shared on X and TikTok.

Below is a side-by-side comparison of the two at the same point in the clip, with the original being on the left and the altered version on the right:

(Screengrab compilation by Snopes)



Dapcevich, Madison. “Video Shows Woman Attacked by Paranormal Forces?” Snopes. 10 Jan. 2024,

Paranormal Activity 2 (7/10) Movie CLIP – Dragged to the Basement (2010) HD., Accessed 10 Jan. 2024.

., Accessed 10 Jan. 2024.

“Paranormal Activity 2 (2010).” IMDb, Accessed 10 Jan. 2024.

Paranormal Activity 2 (2010) ⭐ 5.7 | Horror, Mystery., Accessed 10 Jan. 2024.

., Accessed 10 Jan. 2024.


Izz Scott LaMagdeleine

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