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Will the Real Donald Trump Please Stand Up & Eat More Cereal


Strange theories are floating around America at this hour … is Donald Trump pulling a Houdini to escape justice? Or would a better character analogy be Clark Kent? Never seeing Cark and Superman in the same place at the same time (cuz everyone can’t tell a man’s identity when he wears glasses and no cape? Wha?)

Here’s what no one knows so far …

Marjorie Taylor Greene has proven herself time and again to be one of the stupidest human beings on the planet. And yes, Lauren Boebert is right up there with her vying for “Most Stoopidist Dummiest Dummy Ever Infinity Plus One!”

I could repeat some of the things these two American politicians have Tweeted or said out loud without shame … but Google is a wonderful tool, innit?

How can someone be dumber than Marge?

Well, hold on now, what if it isn’t Marge who’s talking? Or what if Marge has somehow (possibly through nano or AI technology … is she a robot? A deep fake? Or just a fake?) taken over the body and mind and Twitter account of someone else …

Someone like Donald Trump?!

Shock and awe!

Let me be clearer … Donald Trump has now tweeted something so stupid that it can only have come from Marge – therefore, is Marge in a Donald body suit or is Donald in a Marge body suit? Which is the real Donald and which the fake? Et, tu, Marge?

Are they Jekyll and Hyde or just a whole lotta Hyde?

Look at that picture and tell me it’s not worth a thousand words. The 45th Prez of the Dumbass States of Stoopidtown … said cereal.

That joke already wrote itself, I just had to find a context. It can’t be real … can it?

PS: And one wonders why China and Russia are having fun invading countries smaller than themselves? It’s called sport. They want to play America for the World’s Cup … the winner gets the world.


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