Why Your Cell Signal May Suddenly Become Weak

Nearly everyone has been in a situation where their phone is suddenly taking longer than normal to send a text or the call quality dips. Your signal can go from strong to surprisingly weak in a matter of seconds. If you’re wondering why your cell signal may suddenly become weak, here are a few of the most common culprits.

Bad Weather

Several things can negatively affect your cell signal, and it could be something as minor as a passing cloud. Factors like temperature and humidity can impact the cellular signals in the air, so you may notice a weaker signal on cloudy or rainy days. There’s not much you can do about the weather, though a signal booster may help to strengthen your signal at home.

Other People

Cell signals may seem infinite, but that doesn’t mean everybody can use them at the same time. You may notice your cell phone signal is weaker in crowded areas. If too many people are using a cell service simultaneously, it may get overloaded and result in slow service for everybody.

Large Obstructions

Your surroundings are among the most common reasons why your cell signal may suddenly become weak. Natural and manufactured obstructions can block your signal, whether you’re surrounded by brick buildings or dense forests. Cell signals can drop suddenly in tunnels or underground areas, so using your phone in an open area may restore your signal.

Outer Space

Cosmic rays in outer space can affect the strength of cell signals. It sounds like something out of a sci-fi novel, but solar flares may cause brief changes in the atmosphere that mess with satellites and disrupt Earth’s magnetic field. While there’s nothing we can do to combat these cosmic events, they don’t last very long, and your phone troubles may go away before you even notice.

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