The brands featured in this article are partners of NBCUniversal Checkout. E! makes a commission on your purchase. Prices are accurate as of publish time. Items are sold by retailer, not E!.

SolaWave. You’ve seen it on TikTok. You’ve heard celebs talking about it. You may have even seen it in stores, but been a little intimidated by the beauty brand. So I’m going to let you in on a secret: The SolaWave Advanced Skincare Wand is for everyone.

Yes, even us. Especially us. The Los Angeles-based label created their innovative tool to provide, for the first time, four types of “powerful dermatological technologies” from the comfort and ease of home. An affordable everyday essential? it’s more likely than you think.

You may not suspect it just from looking at it, but the Advanced Skincare Wand offers microcurrent, red light therapy, therapeutic warmth, and facial massage. When used together with the company’s proprietary serum, SolaWand says you can expect rejuvenated, hydrated, and refreshed skin after two weeks of regular use.

Plus, the brand “doesn’t believe in flaws.” They say it right in a bold font on their website! Instead of offering correction, they want to bring “high-quality skincare” to customers of “all genders, ages, and skin types,” helping everyone to “navigate their individual skincare journeys” and achieve unique goals.

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