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WHY CAN’T I LET GO? Here’s how to-


 So this post isn’t going to be like the rest , it won’t be all butterflies and rainbows. It is something serious please hang on and read the entire post.

Yes, it is hard to let go. Your heart doesn’t want to let go but your mind knows what’s best for you. Letting go might sound so easy like it’s a piece of cake but we all know how freaking hard it is to tear yourself away from “it”.

Now letting go can be in regards to anything – friendships,relationships,habits,addictions,a certain place, just name it. But regardless, it feels difficult to let go.

Here it comes …. 


Humans are driven by feelings , we seemed to get attached . The attachment slowly changes into dependence . Then into addictions(worst case scenario). Now ya’ll are like   “DUH! WE KNOW THAT ALREADY” .

You are afraid , to let go due to the fear of the UNKNOWN that lies beyond .

You are afraid to step out of the comfort zone because you don’t know what lies beyond it . 

Maybe you have already realized that you need to let go of a certain thing, the conversation between your heart and mind be like-

BRAIN- Yo bro ,you gotta let that go

HEART- Nah bro i want to hold on ! what if i am wrong to let go ?

BRAIN- Idiot think for a moment , you thought about letting go FOR A REASON.

HEART- Yeah,but …i am scared ..what if ..something bad happens


HEART – *Still hesitating*

Well well….It is your life , your decision , if something bad happens IT HAPPENS TO YOU ….if something good happens it happens to YOU.

Don’t hold yourself back just because you don’t know the answer about that- WHAT IF

Sometimes you just need to have a leap of faith , trust your intuition and venture into the unknown . TRUST YOURSELF . TRUST THAT LITTLE VOICE IN YOUR HEAD THAT ASKS YOU  TO BELIEVE IN YOU.

  • Have a talk with yourself, understand why you need to let go, give yourself more clarity regarding the situation.

  • Get help if needed .Talk to someone whom you trust (don’t you dare get started with “I don’t have anyone” – you have people who do love you ,come on) …if you are still unable to get someone to talk to ,there are many websites on the internet that can actually help (free and trustworthy). Here’s one of the links .

  • Once you have clarity on the situation , it is time to SET UP YOUR MIND. Stop the negative self -talking.
  • Remember it is just you who can pull you out and help you let go.

  • BELIEVE YOURSELF …do not rush ,take your time .

Believing is the key.

You don’t even know what you are capable of 

Go get the life that you want .

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