Dating & Love
Why bad dates are actually good dates — mysinglefriend blog
Unless you’re one of those incredibly lucky people who find love on their very first date, the chances are you’ll have a few (or a lot!) that won’t be successful. They might be perfectly pleasant but there’s no spark or they might be the type of disaster that gives you an anecdote you’re still telling years later. However, the truth is that no date is a bad date. Here’s why…
Every date is good practice
Unless you are an incredibly outgoing person, you’re bound to find going on dates a bit nerve wracking, especially in the early days. But practice makes perfect, and the more dates you go on, the more comfortable you’ll feel meeting new people. Treat every date like a rehearsal for the next one means none of your time will be wasted, even if you don’t hit it off.
Every date helps you grow in confidence
The more you date, the more confident you’ll feel about dating. You’ll develop the skills necessary to make conversation with a stranger and this will boost how you feel about yourself. Plus, the more confidence you gain, the more attractive you will be to others, meaning you’re more likely to find that elusive spark.
Every date offers you the chance of making a new friend
Even if you don’t feel romance blooming with a date, it doesn’t mean that they can’t be part of your life in another way. If you have lots in common and get on well, why not ask them if they’d be interested in being friends? You can never have too many mates.
Every date gets you out of the house and socialising
If you’ve been single for a while, especially during the pandemic, you may have fallen out of the habit if going out and socialising in public. Going on some dates will help you regain confidence in this area and simply give you a chance to let your hair down and enjoy yourself, even if you don’t meet up again.
Every date takes you a step closer to the perfect date
The more dates you go on, the closer you are to meeting The One. Don’t get downhearted if a date doesn’t work out, as it just means the next one is more likely to be a success. Meeting more people increases your likelihood of meeting someone you really like, so don’t be afraid of bad dates as each one is getting you closer to your goal.
If you’re looking for long term love, sign up free to and get searching!
Karen Dickinson
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