Hibiscus plants are hardy and are often used in gardening. Their big flowers make gardens look better. But, just like with other plants, your rose needs certain things to grow well. Find out why the leaves on your hibiscus plant are going yellow and what you can do to fix.

What Are Hibiscus Plants?

Why Are My Hibiscus Leaves Turning Yellow

The genus Hibiscus is made up of ornamental plants that are in the mallow family (Malvaceae). Hibiscus plants come in more than 200 different species, but the three most popular types are hardy hibiscus, rose of Sharon (common hibiscus), and tropical hibiscus.

Different kinds of hibiscus have flowers and leaves that are different colors and sizes, but in general, healthy hibiscus plants have green leaves and big, colorful flowers.

Tropical hibiscus often has problems with its leaves turning different colors. When hibiscus plants don’t get enough care or when their surroundings changes a lot, their leaves turn yellow.

Common Causes Of Yellow Hibiscus Leaves


One of the main reasons hibiscus leaves turn yellow is that they get too much water. Hibiscus trees do best in soil that drains well and shouldn’t stay wet for long periods of time. If they do that, the roots will die and the leaves might turn yellow.

2. Underwatering

If you don’t water your plants enough, the leaves can also turn yellow. Hibiscus plants need constant watering, especially when it’s hot and dry outside. Not giving the plant enough water can stress it out, which can make the leaves lose their green color.

3. Poor Soil Drainage

Both overwatering and underwatering problems can be made worse by dirt that doesn’t drain well. If the earth doesn’t drain well, water builds up around the roots, which turns the leaves yellow. To keep hibiscus healthy, it’s important to make sure the dirt drains well.

4. Nutrient Deficiency

For hibiscus plants to do well, they need certain nutrients. Yellow leaves can happen when plants don’t get enough of certain nutrients, like iron and magnesium. This can be fixed by fertilizing the plant properly.

5. Pests And Diseases

Hibiscus trees can get a lot of different pests and diseases. Bugs like aphids and whiteflies, as well as fungal diseases, can make the leaves turn yellow. To avoid serious damage, it’s important to check on things regularly and treat problems right away.

How To Prevent Yellowing Leaves

1. Proper Watering

Make sure you water your hibiscus plants at the same time every day to avoid overwatering or underwatering them. Deeply water the earth, but let it dry out between times.

2. Soil Quality

Adding organic matter to the dirt will help it drain better. This helps make the right conditions for the roots of hibiscus plants.

3. Fertilization

Make sure your hibiscus plants get the nutrients they need by giving them a balanced, slow-release fertilizer. Make sure to take care of any nutrient deficits right away.

4. Pest And Disease Management

Check your plants often for bugs and diseases. If you see any problems with your hibiscus, treat them the right way to keep them healthy.


Gardeners often worry about hibiscus leaves turning yellow, but with the right care and attention, you can bring your plants back to their full beauty. You can enjoy the lush, green leaves and bright blooms that hibiscus plants are known for by taking care of issues like feeding, soil quality, nutrition, and pest control.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. How Often Should I Water My Hibiscus Plants?

When the top inch of dirt is dry is when you should water hibiscus. This usually means watering every two to three days, but it can change based on the weather and the state of the land.

2. Can I Use Homemade Remedies To Treat Hibiscus Pests?

Some home remedies may work, but for best results, it’s usually best to use purchased pesticides or talk to a gardening professional.

3. Are Yellow Leaves A Sign Of Old Age In Hibiscus Plants?

It’s not always true that yellow leaves mean something is old. They often mean that there are deeper problems, like too much water, not enough nutrients, or bugs.

4. Can I Use Any Fertilizer For My Hibiscus Plants?

To make sure your hibiscus gets the right nutrients, use a slow-release, balanced fertilizer made for blooming plants.

5. How Can I Improve Soil Drainage For My Hibiscus Plants?

Adding organic matter to the soil, like compost or peat moss, and making sure the growing area is slightly raised can help the soil drain better.

Varinder Pal Singh

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