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 “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” ~Eleanor Roosevelt

People judge, it is the ultimate truth of the society we live in. 

Maybe you have been through a situation where you questioned yourself things like “why am i like this ?” OR “why can’t i do this when others can do it?”

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It is completely normal , after all we all are human beings and we all have some kind of insecurities. But the funny thing is – These insecurities pave the way . 

You are different . We all are different , unique in our own ways. 

Okay so  you are insecure about the way you look ? Curly hairs , while everyone has straight hairs? 

Maybe you are short while people prefer tall people?

Or you are an introvert and don’t like opening up to people too soon…the list goes on.

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The day you realize these are your “quality” and not “inferiority”  …a magical thing happens . Out of nowhere you will be filled with confidence and would be proud of yourself. Nothing will be able to bring your self-esteem down. 


Well even after you have become comfortable with yourself,people are going to put you down, criticise you in every way possible .and to be honest you might also feel low sometimes but the difference now will be that you will walk with your head up knowing that you are just amazing just the way you are. 

What makes a person different from others?  Is it good to be different from others?    How do you deal with being different?  Why am I different from my friends?books about self love importance of self love love my self how to practice self  loveself-love techniques We compiled a short guide to help you embrace and be yourself in front of others. Bullying advice & support. Youth advice & support. warning signs of a toxic relationship   toxic person start loving yourself  love ourselves mental health articles dream girl 	dream catcher	 	dream11	 	dreamstime	 	dream girl movie	 	dream girl full movie	 	dream league	 	dream quotes	 	dream girl cast	 	dream analysis	 	dream a little dream of me achievement quotes achievement motivation achievement award	 	achievement and success achievement and success quotes goals in life	 	goals and objectives	 	goals are categorized as	 	goals and objectives of ncf 2005 	goals and objectives of social group work	 	goals and objectives of family planning	 	goals and dreams	 	goals and objectives of community health nursing 	a goals-based theory of utility	 	a goals list 	traumatic	 	trauma meaning	 	traumatic meaning	 	traumatized	 	traumatised	 	traumatised meaning	 	trauma synonym

Inner changes don’t really happen by reading articles or watching things, all it can do is make you realise a few things. The rest of the changes happens from within you

Only if there’s a desire to be the better version of you. ❤️🌺



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