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Who Needs More Sleep? UCLA Study Shows Low-Dose CBD Is More Effective Than Melatonin – Medical Marijuana Program Connection


Who among us has not experienced a sleepless night or two…or more? There are numerous reasons for this 21st-century problem, but a safe and effective solution is available if you’re willing to try something new.

Who’s Not Sleeping Well These Days? Many Of Us

Insomnia is the most common sleep disorder, with 30% of adults experiencing short-term sleeplessness and about 10% with longer-lasting issues. Nearly 40% of adults report accidentally falling asleep during the day, says the Cleveland Clinic.

What’s To Be Done?

A team of researchers with the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) and the Scripps Clinic Sleep Center in San Diego recently assessed the efficacy of various formulations of CBD versus melatonin on sleep quality in a cohort of nearly 1,800 adults. 

CBD or cannabidiol is an active ingredient in cannabis derived from the hemp plant; it does not cause a high and is not addictive.

The UCLA-Scripps study concluded that low doses of CBD (15 mg) have been shown to be safe and to improve sleep quality in patients with a history of sleep disturbances, according to the clinical trial data published in the Journal of the American Nutrition Association.

In the double-blinded randomized controlled trial, researchers assessed the efficacy of various formulations of CBD versus melatonin on sleep quality in a cohort of nearly 1,800 adults. The volunteers were randomly assigned to receive a 4-week supply of one of six products (all capsules)…

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