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Who Is Ju Peter In One Piece? Explained
Ju Peter? No, sorry. That’s not my name. Aside from a certain webslinger, I don’t know anyone named Peter. Oh wait sorry you meant the One Piece character? My b. I just thought you had one of those Jersey Shore accents.
The Big Three’s biggest is full to bursting with characters. I don’t know how Eiichiro Oda (the author, if you don’t know) keeps ’em all straight. In fact, I’m pretty sure a couple of them are gay. You can’t deny the tension between Zoro and Sanji. C’mon. We have eyes. Anyways, Ju Peter is a character of indeterminate sexual preferences that has appeared in the latest arc of the manga (although he has an evil silver fox daddy vibe). So who is he? Where did he come from? Where did he go? Cotten Eyed Joe?
Ju Peter: A Biography
Ju Peter is actually not Mr. Peter’s full title. He is actually (officially) known as Shepard Ju Peter, and is one of the five “leaders” of the World Government. Who’s the World Government? Weren’t you paying attention in your One Piece Lore 101 courses? The World Government is a massive geopolitical organization that is currently fighting for control over the entire world. Ever heard of the Marines? They own those guys. While there are oodles of people crammed into the World Gov’s halls of power, there are five men who sit at the “top” of the power pyramid. These dudes are known as the Five Elders, and there are the official leaders of the not-so-free world. Of course, you and I know that’s all a ruse, and the Five Elders actually take orders from some tall hatted dude name Im. Who’s Im? We don’t know. But we DO know that he has the power to wipe who island chains off the face of the earth (sea?) with a simple command (and a little help from a mystery superweapon). So if you didn’t already get it, Im is Ju Peter’s boss. Not a boss that I would wanna have.
As powerful as Im is, he’s only one guy. He probably read about the word “delegation” in whatever Dictatorship for Dummies book that he was reading to learn how to do the job, and found some perfect cronies to help him out around the house. Not a democratic sort of house (i.e. Representatives) because I’m pretty sure no one else gets a vote. In his infinite wisdom (his words) he decided to entrust Ju Peter with the title of Warrior God of Agriculture. Way better than “secretary” no? I’m really sure what kind of agricultural decisions need to be made by the World Government, considering that 95% of the world they govern is covered in water. But someone’s gotta grow a turnip or two on that 5%, no? I guess that’s Ju Peter’s job?
The thing is, we don’t really get to see Ju Peter making a lot of agricultural decision… cause that would be kinda boring. Instead, we see him using his frankly freaky powers of transformation to turn into a GIANT WORM STRAIGHT OUTTA ARRAKIS to fight against anyone or anything that would try to take the World Government down. Aside from his creepy powers, the man is also strapped up. He carries a flintlock pistol that he intends to use on anyone who so much as lays an eye on his boss Im. If this wasn’t enough, Peter also has the power to authorize a Buster Call against anyone or anything he deems a threat. What’s a Buster Call? It’s the closest thing the One Piece universe has to a nuclear strike. Basically a fleet of Marine warships all fire on a single target at the same time. Unsurprisingly, the target is obliterated.
So what does Ju Peter want? Above all else, to maintain status quo. The World Government (or at least Ju Peter) is content on keeping The Three Great Powers (The WG itself, The Four Emperors, and the Seven Warlords of the Sea) in… well, power. So long as nothing comes along to topple that balance, Ju Peter is content. Naturally, a rubbery shonen hell-bent on becoming King of The Pirates would mess up that balance, so Monkey D. Luffy is not exactly on ol’ Ju Ju P’s good side. If he even has a good side to begin with. Based on his tyrannical actions in the series so far, Ju Peter’s soft side likely has the consistency of a lead weight.
(Featured Image: Toei)
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Jack Doyle
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