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When Genes Really ARE the Problem


Genes: Summary

Michael Caprio is someone who persevered through the challenges of a unique genetic condition known as Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP), which significantly affects the large intestine. 

This episode dives into Caprio’s journey of discovering and managing his condition, which caused him to undergo major surgeries, including removing his large intestine and having an ostomy bag for a while. This has required him to pay close attention to his diet and lifestyle, particularly avoiding specific food types that could cause him discomfort and staying adequately hydrated. Despite the notable challenges, Caprio maintains a positive attitude, nurtured through deep personal growth and increased mindfulness.

Furthermore, he shares his experience of writing a memoir about his journey, hoping to shed light on his condition, inspire others dealing with similar challenges, and contribute to medical research. He discusses his grandmother’s role in inspiring him to share his story, as she had the same condition and had committed to improving the situation for future generations by participating in medical trials. 

Through his experiences and his book, which is also a contribution to the FAP community, Caprio emphasizes the importance of a supportive network, discourages comparisons with others, particularly on the internet, and encourages reaching out to others when struggling. His resilience and drive to support others underscores the profound resilience of the human spirit in the face of challenging circumstances.

Genes: Topics

  1. Introduction of the guest, Michael Caprio, his battle with familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP), and his dedication to discussing his journey.
  2. Michael shares about his medical history, the genetic nature of his condition, and how it manifests in his life.
  3. Michael explains his family’s history with FAP, dating back to his grandmother and how it’s passed down through generations.
  4. Discussion of Michael’s early symptoms, such as dental issues, and how they led to his diagnosis of FAP.
  5. Michael shares his personal journey, gaining and losing his health, dealing with surgeries, and his overall medical experience.
  6. Michael talks about the mental health challenges he experienced and how he coped with them.
  7. Exploration of how Michael shifted his mindset to a positive one, which he attributes to his health journey.
  8. Michael discusses eating habits, exercise, and lifestyle changes he made to improve his health.
  9. Discussion about Michael’s surgeries including removing the large intestine and the process of recovery.
  10. Explanation of the high risks associated with FAP and the importance of regular medical screenings.
  11. Michael shares about his book writing journey, his motivation, and what readers can expect.
  12. Michael talks about what’s next for him, including speaking engagements, connecting with the FAP community, and future writing plans.

Where to Find Michael Caprio

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