What’s An “Auto Hemp Hybrid?” — What CBD Shoppers Should Know About Cannabis Ruderalis – Medical Marijuana Program Connection
People acquainted with cannabis should know there are two significant subspecies within the cannabis genus: sativa and indica. While sativa and indica strains are still the dominant subcategories, there are technically three major cannabis cultivars. “Cannabis ruderalis” doesn’t get as much press as indicas and sativas, but it has become increasingly pronounced in hemp cultivation circles.
Even if you don’t want to become a hemp farmer, it’s important to know how the ruderalis strain differs from indicas and sativas. Hemp strains that have traces of ruderalis don’t offer the same properties you’d expect from typical CBD hemp flowers. Whether you enjoy vaping hemp strains or smoking pre-roll hemp joints, you should take a few moments to investigate how your CBD farmer grew their flowers.
Although Cannabis ruderalis plants grew for centuries in countries like Russia and Siberia, it wasn’t until the late 20th century that the scientific community knew of their existence. If you were to happen upon a pure ruderalis plant, chances are you’d mistake it for a nondescript shrub rather than cannabis. However, as scientists began running tests on this plant, they discovered it is a distant relative of cannabis.
Why is ruderalis in a different category than indicas and sativas? The primary difference between ruderalis strains and other cannabis subspecies is its flowering schedule. Unlike indicas and sativas, ruderalis plants aren’t “photoperiod sensitive.”…
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