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What To Know For Virgo Season 2023, According To Astrologers


To say we’ve been in the height of retrograde season this summer would be an understatement. We started the month with three of the five outer planets (Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto) in retrograde, along with inner planet Venus retrograde in Leo, and wounded healer Chiron.

If that wasn’t enough, Mercury will go retrograde the same day Virgo season begins on August 23, followed by Uranus on August 28.

Looking ahead to September, Jupiter, the planet of luck, will go retrograde in Taurus until December 31. It’s all a lot, to be sure—so if it’s any consolation, Venus will be back on course and out of retrograde on September 3.

Now, the heads up about the retrogrades is not to scare you. While it can definitely seem daunting to have so many planets awry, think of it more as a chance to retrace your steps and reflect than to worry about messing things up. With Virgo’s discerning prowess fueling the skies right now, we can use these retrogrades to refine what’s working and what’s not.


Sarah Regan

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