Self Help
What To Know For Taurus Season 2023, From An Astrologer
Taurus season kicks off this year on April 20, just one day before Mercury retrograde begins as well. And with Mercury itself also being in the sign of Taurus, intuitive astrologer Lumi Pelinku tells mindbodygreen that we’ll be getting an extra dose of lessons around Taurean themes like money, self worth, beauty, and creation.
And of course, like any Mercury retrograde, we can expect some communication mishaps or delays, whether that be in our relationships, at work, or with our own technology or travel plans. (So make sure you think twice before saying—or typing—anything!)
Then, as May gets underway, Pelinku notes Pluto will start retrograding on May 1, moving backwards to Capricorn until it arrives there on June 11. As she explains, Pluto retrogrades represent the big picture of collective themes, and this Pluto backspin lasting until next January offers us all a grace period to prepare ourselves for a total reframe of societal structure. “Knowing this, we can ready ourselves to keep up with the technology trends and embrace our ability to reinvent our processes in life,” Pelinku says.
On May 5, we have a full moon lunar eclipse in Scorpio, which is sure to equally as intense as it is transformative, and two days later, Venus will move into Cancer. According to Pelinku, Venus in Cancer is a sweet and sensual transit that will trigger this need to deepen the connection in relationships, making us more nurturing, empathetic, and sensitive.
Then, towards the end of Taurus season, we’ll have a new moon in Taurus on May 19. Pelinku notes this moon will be sextiling Mars in Cancer, adding that this aspect makes a potent time for manifesting around themes like creativity and abundance.
Sarah Regan
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