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What Students Are Saying About Racist Jokes at School


In my opinion, I think schools should strongly punish racist jokes because many students use it and think it’s not a bad thing. I have seen many students use racist jokes such as the N word or Ching Chang Chong. I’ve also noticed that they think it is a normal thing. However, if it continues, racist will keep going on and it won’t be able to stop racism issues. Schools should punish it strongly to prevent further issues that might happen and they should teach the students why they shouldn’t use it and what might happen if they continue to use racist jokes.

Mingun, Seoul

The problem with students still making these jokes is that the kids who say them sometimes do not understand the danger, violations, and history behind these jokes. This is especially true about younger kids who make racist jokes. In the past teachers have not done much, in regards to responding to these kids’ jokes. At the most, teachers will tell them to stop, they will tell them how unkind it is to say those jokes, but that is the extent of it. Teachers many times do not see these jokes being made and do not believe that it is in their job to educate their students on how terrible it is to say these jokes and continuously spread racist, hurtful rhetoric. I would handle these incidents differently because I would not only explain the situation to the student and explain why the joke is so hurtful, but I would also contact their parents because the parents need to know the behaviors of their children, and the type of language and phrases they spread at school.

Katalina, New Rochelle High School

I believe schools should educate students who are caught making racist jokes on the impact they have and what they perpetuate. I believe in most cases, administering direct punishment doesn’t solve the problem from the root. School administration should require guilty students to attend a lesson that teaches in detail how making racist jokes perpetuates racism. Additionally, the students should learn what the implications of perpetuating verbal racism are and, in a historical context, what the adverse effects of racist language are. This class is necessary to cultivate a safe environment of inclusivity and understanding. Moreover, if students attend reformative classes and don’t change or decline to take the class, the administration should consider terminating the student from the school. I believe schools should add this enforcement to some degree after trying to educate students because staff shouldn’t force other kids into racist environments.

caio, high tech high

There are countless times when students use racist language not to offend someone but rather, jokingly with their friends. This being said, I think all racist language is inappropriate. Even if joking, people shouldn’t be made to feel inferior. To “fix” this problem, I don’t think schools can do much differently but rather, go to the root of the problem: a child’s environment at home. If schools want to make a true difference, they should be reaching out to students’ parents and sharing their concerns.

EK, Gaithersburg, MD

I have never tolerated a racist joke or comment at any school I’ve attended. Such behavior is unacceptable and extremely offensive. If you ever encounter such a situation, it’s crucial to speak up and make it clear that such behavior will not be tolerated. If you don’t feel comfortable confronting the person directly, remove yourself from the situation and report it to an adult … It is our responsibility to take a stand against racism and create a safe and inclusive environment for all.

Caity, San Antonio, Texas


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