Lee Drogemuller, Lafayette, “It came in really fast. I don’t think that it was totally thought out.”
Chad Snyder, Minneapolis, “As a practice it was inevitable. It will ultimately help even out some of those minor offenses that are pretty problematic in the justice system.”
David Benson, Bigelow, “I think we need to be aware of potential issues for driving. But I think it’s overdue. A lot of people were incarcerated for not really anything dangerous.”
Brenda Wiger, Minneapolis (New Ulm native), ” My daughter passed away a year ago July 14 of Fentanyl poisoning. I want more education. With the new marijuana bill coming into effect and the idea of dispensaries; I believe there should be [Fentanyl] test strips available for people in dispensaries.”
Katy Westlund, Paynesville, “I have two sons with epilepsy. The ability to have CBD for people who are epileptic is very important. Now that it’s legalized, it is harder to find CBD products that are in safe forms compared to the amount of THC products.
Darrell Hinsman, New Ulm, “Adults should be able to make choices. [Legalization] was the right thing to do.”
- Lee Drogemuller, Lafayette, “It came in really fast. I don’t think that it was totally thought out.”
- Chad Snyder, Minneapolis, “As a practice it was inevitable. It…