Dating & Love
What is your love language and why does it matter? — mysinglefriend blog
Do you like your date to give you compliments? Or maybe you prefer physical touch? The way we enjoy being communicated with, and the way we like to receive love, is called our ‘love language’. Knowing a potential partner’s preferred love language is a great way of creating a bond between you. Read on to find out what they are:
Words of affirmation
People who enjoy this type of love language like verbal acknowledgements of affection like compliments, verbal encouragement and frequent texts or social media interactions. Being spoken to makes them feel understood and appreciated. If you’re dating someone with this love language, be sure to WhatsApp after a date to let them know you had a great time.
Quality time
If this is your partner’s love language, they will feel most special when you choose to spend plenty of time with them. They will particularly enjoy eye contact, attentive listening and someone who is fully present when they are with them. If you’re dating someone with this love language, make sure you give them your undivided attention and don’t be tempted to check your phone while they’re talking.
This one is nice and straightforward – they feel most appreciated when given visual symbols of love. It’s important to remember that this type of love language doesn’t need you to splash the cash, as thoughtful and meaningful presents will go down much better than expensive ones. If you’re dating someone with this love language, make them a playlist of special songs.
Acts of service
Someone whose love language is acts of service values their partner doing tasks or helping them with things. For example, you might make them a cup of tea every morning or remember to pick up the bits of shopping they want. For these people, actions speak louder than words and they like to be shown the ways in which they’re appreciated rather than told. If you’re dating someone with this love language, offer to make them dinner and give them a back rub after they’ve had a hard day.
Physical touch
People who have physical touch as their love language like being shown appreciation throughs hugs, kisses, holding hands, cuddling on the sofa and sex. Physical affection not only affirms a relationship and makes us feel secure, it’s also good for our health. If you’re dating someone with this love language, make sure you offer plenty of physical affection and don’t be afraid of a PDA.
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Karen Dickinson
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