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What Is Graham Flour? – DownInTheKitchen


You might be familiar with all-purpose and whole wheat flour, but what is graham flour? This healthy alternative to refined flour was popularized in the mid-1800s. Today it’s a popular ingredient used in kitchens across the US for creating wholesome baked goods. 

This article will take a closer look at graham flour, what it is, what it’s used for, and how to store it. 

What Is Flour?

While most people know what flour is, many aren’t aware of how it’s produced and the different types available. In essence, it’s a fine, powdery substance made from ground cereal grains, nuts, legumes, or other starchy food sources. 

Flour is a crucial ingredient in baked goods like bread, cakes, and cookies. But numerous varieties exist for different baking applications and differ in grade and refinement. 

Some of the most widely used types of flour include all-purpose, self-rising, pastry, and whole wheat flour. The type of flour you choose will depend on the recipe you’re making and your preference.

What Is Graham Flour?

So, what is graham flour? Graham flour is an unbleached and unrefined type of whole wheat flour. In fact, the entire wheat berry (kernel), including the bran, endosperm, and germ, are ground to form this flour. As a result, this healthy flour is coarser than whole wheat flour. 

It’s most commonly used to make graham crackers. But it can also be used in pies and yeast bread, although the dough will be incredibly stiff. Incorporating graham flour in your recipe offers an intense and slightly sweet nutty taste with a grainy texture.

The flour was named after Sylvester Graham, who promoted healthy eating habits in the 19th century. He believed eating foods made with whole wheat flour benefits one’s health.

When baking with Graham flour, remember that it doesn’t absorb liquid as well as all-purpose or whole wheat flour. Therefore, when using graham flour as a substitute, you may need to add more liquid or reduce the amount of flour.

What’s The Best Way To Store Graham Flour?

Graham flour should be stored in an airtight bag or container in a cool, dry place. But you could also opt to store it in the fridge or freezer. When stored in the freezer, it can last for up to 6 months. However, if stored in the pantry, you’ll need to use the flour within a month of opening it.


A slightly healthier version of whole wheat flour, graham flour has a coarser texture and a more intense flavor. It’s the critical ingredient in graham crackers but can also be used to bake bread, rolls, and more. But it has a short shelf life. Therefore, knowing how to store it correctly is vital when answering the question, “What is graham flour?”.



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