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What are Sous Vide Edibles?


If you’ve got a foodie friend who loves to cook, they’ve probably introduced you to sous vide. If your foodie friend also loves to cook weed, you should probably introduce them to sous vide cannabis. Sous vide cannabis is taking the edible world by storm.

Home cooks are singing its praises when it comes to potent, easy, delicious infusions. Edible companies like Colorado’s Dialed In winning adolations and awards for their sous vide cannabis gummies.

That’s why PotGuide is here to dive into what sous vide edibles are, why it’s a superior infusion technique, and how to get started with your own sous vide canna oil and edibles.

What is Sous-Vide Cannabis?

Sous Vide cooks food slow and low in water with circulating water at a constant temperature. photo credit

For anyone not in the culinary know, sous vide (pronounced “Sue Veed”) is a more recent cooking technique that uses a heating coil device to circulate water at a precise temperature around a container like a pot. You then suspend food in the water inside a vacuum-sealed bag (sous vide is French for “under vacuum”). A home model costs around $110 online.

The circulating water transfers heat into the food through the bag, slowly cooking it until it’s the same temperature throughout as the surrounding water. Thus, the sous vide technique is also known as “low-temperature long-time” (LTLT) cooking. The result is more tender meat, perfectly soft-boiled eggs, flavorful veggies, moist desserts, and perfectly decarboxylated and infused cannabis edibles.

With immersion circulation, you can decarb your flower and infuse sous vide canna oil or sous vide edibles all in one vacuum sealed bag. You don’t need to turn on an oven or a stovetop.

Sous Vide Cannabis vs. Other Edibles

Green and pink container of Dialed in Sous Vide Edibles with a THC warning label.

The brand Dialed In makes their edibles using Sous Vides. photo credit

Sous vide edibles are quickly gaining a reputation among fans for their ease and potency. As Dialed In is keeping their sous vide gummy recipe a secret, we’ll focus on sous vide canna oil, which any home cook can make.

Those in the know are quick to point out the three main benefits of sous vide cannabis cooking:

Sous Vide Cannabis Maximizes THC and Flavor

Sous vide cannabis will take longer to decarboxylate and cook than in an oven or on a stovetop (90 minutes or more depending on who you ask), but what you lose in speed you make up for in cannabinoid and terpene retention.

Ovens heat unevenly. They’re hotter towards the back than the front and hotter above than below, meaning some of your bud will cook too much and some too little. Additionally, some shreds of your ground bud will heat faster due to dryness, shape, or trichome density, vaporizing or denaturing the THC while other shreds are still decarbing.

With sous vide cannabis cooking, your bud cooks at an even temperature throughout, without burning off trichomes or denaturing your THC molecules to the less fun (but still beneficial) CBN.

Set it and Forget it.

A cannabis plant next to a glass bottle full of weed oil.

Once weed oil is created from a sous vide, you can create any recipe that calls for oil. photo credit

Once your vacuum sealed bag of decarbed weed and oil is soaking in its culinary hot tub, you’re free to do whatever. There’s no stirring required. Sous vide cannabis isn’t going to boil over, start smoking, or get knocked off the counter by a curious pet.

There’s not even a smell of weed in your home for anyone to complain about. Once you get it all set, you’re free for the next couple hours to run errands, toss a frisbee around, or head out to the gym. Even if you’re late getting back, nothing’s gonna burn. It’ll stay at that same temperature.

Sous Vide Cannabis is Repeatable

Once you find the right recipe for your cannabutter or infused oil, you want to get it right every time. Sous vide cannabis cooking is far more predictable. Some bud may be drier than others, some stoves cook hotter or cooler, but sous vide cannabis cooking means your temperature will always be dead on.

This makes a far more predictable product for both medical cooking, your own personal enjoyment, or if you’re interested in starting your own business. You can reproduce the same product time after time.

How to Cook Sous Vide Canna Oil

  1. Set your sous vide at 203 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Grind up your bud, pour it into a thick plastic ziplock bag or sous vide bag, then squeeze out as much air as you can. Sous vide kits usually come with a small vacuum pump, but you can also use the water displacement technique.
  3. When the water hits 203 degrees, suspend your bag in the water so the bud is fully immersed. It should decarb in 90 minutes to two hours, but it doesn’t hurt to wait longer.
  4. Once your weed is decarbed, lower the sous vide temperature to 185 degrees Fahrenheit.
  5. Pour your preferred oil or butter into the bag with your bud, then shake it up and reseal with the air squeezed out.
  6. Suspend the bag in the 185 degree water for another 4 hours.
  7. Strain your infused oil through a cheesecloth and store it however you prefer.

Once you have your sous vide canna oil or butter, you can also cook your edibles in the sous vide in the same chillaxed fashion. Just follow the recipes, like this one for chocolate chip cookies.

Sous Vide Cannabis is Sous-per Easy

A lady drizzling oil onto her salad.

You can make a simple infused salad with sous vide cannabis oil and balsamic vinegar. photo credit

Dialed In may be keeping their gummy recipe to themselves, but that shouldn’t stop you from developing your own sous vide cannabis treats. Sous vide canna oil and sous vide edibles are an easy, no-hassle way to prepare tasty, potent infused treats, as well as some truly delicious steaks, veggies, and other culinary masterpieces.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Effective Is Sous vide Decarb?

In some ways it’s more effective than decarbing in an oven, because you’re not losing any THC to overheating or vaporization.

Can You Get High From Cooking Edibles?

It’s highly unlikely. The temperature you bake at is way lower than the temperature at which THC vaporizes or combusts.

Can You Use Sous Vide for Cannabutter?

Yes. Sous vide is one of the easiest ways to make cannabutter, because you don’t have to stir it or watch it to make sure it doesn’t burn. There’s also no smell.

How Long Should I Sous Vide Cannabutter?

Once you’ve decarbed your ground up cannabis at 203 degrees Fahrenheit for 90 minutes, add your butter into the bag and cook at 185 degrees Fahrenheit for 4 hours or more.

Do you feel that sous vide edibles will make a big impact in the edible market because they can be more reliable with temperature and dosing deliverability?

Photo Credit: Shutterstock


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