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What Are Cannabis Edibles Made Of: The Drug Effect Of Edible Marijuana – Medical Marijuana Program Connection


This article was originally published on 2Fast4Buds and appears here with permission.


Edible products (aka edibles) are cannabis-infused products that can come in many different forms such as gummies, brownies, cookies, or any other type of edible, and can contain THC, CBD, or a mix of both. With legalization, this type of cannabis product has become more and more popular as it’s a great way to benefit from the medicinal properties cannabis has to offer without posing risks to your respiratory system such as when smoking cannabis. But the experience of edibles differs from other consumption methods because the effect usually is more potent and lasts much longer

Edibles have gained somewhat of a notorious reputation because of their potent effects. Less than accurate dosing in homemade creations often place users in a bad position, in that they take on board more THC than intended. This, of course, leads to a battery of adverse events, including anxiety, paranoia, and full-blown panic attacks. However, many cannabis lovers manage to have a good time after consuming edibles when they take an appropriate dose. People find the high more intense, stoning, and even slightly psychedelic at times. Microdosing, the act of taking a sub-threshold dose of a substance, has also become a more popular way of consuming edibles in recent years and mimics a similar trend seen among users of numerous psychedelic compounds.

Despite their unpredictable nature, edibles…

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