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Weed is legal in Delaware, so what can (and can’t) you do? – Medical Marijuana Program Connection


A man sat in his car at Sixth and Market streets in downtown Wilmington last week, casually puffing on a joint while the smell of marijuana wafted from his open driver’s side window.

The guy was breaking the law even though Delaware law now lets adults age 21 or older possess, use, transport, and share personal quantities of recreational weed without any criminal or civil penalty.

No cops were around to confront the man blatantly getting high in his car, however, and he eventually drove off without incident.

But now that weed has been legal in Delaware since April 23, here’s an extensive but non-exhaustive tutorial on what is and what is not allowed, and how you can partake without fear of running afoul of the new law.

Joyous legalization advocates celebrated on the stairs of Legislative Hall after the Senate passed the bills. (Courtesy of Zoe Patchell)

A companion bill that created a regulatory structure and 125 licenses for growing, product manufacturing, testing, and retail sales took effect Thursday, but no licenses will be granted for more than a year.

To see the legal language for yourself, you can read the text of the legalization-only bill, and the regulatory one on the General Assembly’s website.

The bills passed overwhelmingly in both the…

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