If you aren’t already obsessed with The Ones You Forgot, we can guarantee you will be after you hear this new song! ‘Enjoy the Ride’ has the perfect nostalgic feel, so perfect you won’t wanna turn it off. So stick with us here at The Honey POP, and we’ll give you our every thought about this new track!

This Song Is One For The Ages

The year is in full swing, and The Ones You Forgot are about to make waves! ‘Enjoy the Ride’ is the perfect song for any circumstance. Studying and need something to make it less boring? ‘Enjoy the Ride’ is here to save the day! Wanna make a montage of yourself like a coming-of-age movie? ‘Enjoy the Ride’ is the soundtrack of your life!

We’re predicting that by the end of the year, everyone will know The Ones You Forgot! If ‘Enjoy the Ride’ is any indication of how powerful their sound will be this year, count us in for the whole ride because we know we’re gonna enjoy it. (Was that too cheesy? Oh well, call us cheddar in that case!)

The Music Video Makes Us Feel Things

When we said this song has the nostalgia we were looking for, we forgot to mention it applies to the music video too! Watching each clip of the band just having a good time made us feel like we were a part of it all. Before you ask, of course we have the video on repeat, and no, we aren’t ashamed of it.

We’re proud to admit that we definitely cried at about watch 57 because the memories in the video started to feel like our own. Just picture about a hundred honey bees at The Honey POP HQ, bawling our eyes out at the look of The Ones You Forgot having the time of their lives. (It wasn’t our finest moment, but we did what we had to!)

June 29th will forever be a special day to us. 3 years ago today we reached one of our biggest dreams for this band at the @VansWarpedTour, and 4 years ago today we released the EP that helped us get there. https://t.co/rlQClSuGb4

We Are Obsessed With The Ones You Forgot

If you need us, we’ll be sitting on the floor waiting for more music! Yes, we know that ‘Enjoy the Ride’ just came out. It’s not our fault that The Ones You Forgot are so talented! We didn’t do anything! We just work here. We’re just obsessed little honey bees, and there’s nothing more to it! Everything that The Ones You Forgot have created is magic, and we’re hanging on to every last lyric!

‘Enjoy the Ride’ is now the theme song of our lives here at The Honey POP, and we’re proud of it! This nostalgic track makes us want to get up and dance, while the music video makes us wanna lay down and cry. Only in the best possible way, of course! (Does that even make sense? Who cares because the song is amazing!)

See Also

You need to see this video:

Have you heard of The Ones You Forgot? Did you take a listen to ‘Enjoy the Ride?’ Are you as obsessed with this band as we are? Are you excited about this new chapter of The Ones You Forgot? Let us know in the comments below or on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram! We love hearing your thoughts on all things music!

Join us on Discord for all the fun you can imagine!


Sage Marie Grace

Writer for The Honey Pop. Dr.Pepper Stan. Comedic Relief Friend at All Times.

Sage Marie Grace

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