Self Help
Ways to boost your mental health – 8 unusual ideas
If you find that the traditional methods for psychological self-care are not for you and you want to find alternative ways to boost your mental health then you have come to the right place. I have been lucky enough to be speaking with the wonderful Julia Mitchell from and I think you’ll find her unique outlook on life is very refreshing. In this post Julia shares with us her ideas for some creative ways to boost your mental health.
“Julia Mitchell, Incredibly passionate about the activities that fill her days, she wants to share her adoration for her favorite lifestyle topics with the world and encourage others to turn their INspiration into OUTspiration.“
Here is what she has to say:
8 creative ways to boost your mental health
Mental health is a priority for many people in Brooklyn. Some choose to incorporate therapy and medication into their self-care. Others prefer to avoid taking medication. Regardless of how you take care of yourself, there are many options open to you. Here are some tips and resources to help you get started.
1. Exercise Your Right
Activities of any kind have been shown to boost happiness. Take a walk in nature, or dance while doing housework or waiting at a traffic stop on the way to work. Learning a sport and just having fun are great ways to improve your mood. Being out in the sunshine for a few minutes also boosts your vitamin D levels.
2. Volunteer Your Time
Giving back feels good, and your efforts will be appreciated. You also see yourself in a different light when you help others — you no longer focus on your mistakes but on making the world a better place.
3. Create Memories
Boost your mental health by putting together a scrapbook of your favorite memories. You can also start taking photos to create new experiences. Putting away your smartphone and just enjoying being present also creates feelings of tranquillity. You’re in the moment, making memories.

4. Write It Down
Writing is an effective way to keep your life in perspective. Journaling your daily thoughts about what you’re grateful for tells your truth as it is in the moment. In fact, many people choose to write a memoir about their experiences to help others going through the same things. Telling your story is a good way to realize that you’re being heard in the world.
5. Boost your mental health by exploring your world
Traveling is a great way to gain a new perspective, but you don’t need to go far to gain new experiences. Sometimes just getting out and exploring your hometown or nearby neighborhoods opens your eyes to what you’ve been missing out on. Every town and city has its own history and personality.
6. Work From Home
Ask your boss whether it’s possible to work from home a few days a week. Alternatively, you could find a job that’s fully remote. Commuting can take up a lot of free time you could instead be spending with family and friends, cooking healthy food, and keeping your body fit.
7. Give Yourself Time
Taking time to relax is necessary for mental health. People need time to recharge after long days that deplete their bodies, which is much easier if you work to optimize your surroundings for positivity. Take a break from negativity and self-criticism. Your mind can become emotionally drained after a difficult day and also needs rest. Take a long bath or shower, meditate to some relaxing music, or read your favorite book.
8. Being adventurous can really boost your mental health
Sometimes the worst thing for mental health is the same boring routine. You can resolve this by simply taking a chance every once in a while. Trying something outside your comfort zone can be as simple as taking up a new hobby or learning something new.
Your Many Options
As you can see, there are choices when it comes to taking control of your mental health, which all include forms of self-care. If possible, see if you can work from home. Also, do what you can to increase your levels of exercise, reduce negativity in your surroundings, and don’t be afraid to go on an adventure!
Rachel Mills
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