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Watch Jared Leto Climb the Empire State Building For Some Reason


As part of the promotion for a new tour with 30 Seconds To Mars, Jared Leto has completed a long-time goal. He scaled a portion of the Empire State Building. Why? Well, he’ll tell you.

Leto spoke with The Today Show about how the experience was, explaining “I was more excited than nervous to tell you the truth. But I have to be honest, it was very, very hard. It was a lot harder than I thought it would be. Just the endurance that it took, the stamina that it took, and it was very sharp.” Can you believe it’s hard climbing the top of the Empire State Building?

Leto added:

It’s incredible. To watch the sun rise overlooking the city that’s meant so much to me. Ever since I was a kid, New York stood for the place that you went to make your dreams come true. And as a young kid, I wanted to be an artist, and New York was the place that you came to be an artist. And the Empire State Building was always that symbol for me.

Leto also got a surprise on the 80th floor: His mother looking at one of the windows at him.

You can watch the Today Show’s segment on Leto’s climb below:

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While most people probably think of movies like Fight Club or songs like “The Kill” when they think of Jared Leto, he’s also done a few climbing stunts here and there. He climbed a wall in Berlin with no harness, and he’s also done a good bit of bungee jumping. Additionally, he’s done a good bit of rock climbing, even releasing a documentary called “Great Wide Open.”

Regardless, Morbius would certainly be proud of this accomplishment.

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Cody Mcintosh

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