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Washington Senator Murray Leads Debate on Reproductive Rights – KXL


WASHINGTON, D.C. — Washington state U.S. Senator Patty Murray says, since the Supreme Court overturned the right to an abortion,  “In America, more than a third of women of reproductive age live in states where they essentially do not have the choice to end a pregnancy.”   That’s meant, “Children can’t get abortion care after being raped. Some kids may be able to get across state lines to get the care they need. Other children have been forced into motherhood.  One teenager delivered a baby while clutching a teddy bear.”

Republican Louisiana, Senator and Dr. Bill Cassidy argued, “Scientifically and morally, there is no difference in the value of a child whether she is in her mother’s arms or whether she is in her mother’s womb.”

Others testified, including an abortion survivor.  “I am Melissa Oden, the survivor of a failed saline infusion abortion.”

A woman who had to leave her state. “I was shocked. I couldn’t get an abortion in Texas. No one could see me.”

And doctors. “Our job as physicians is to take all of the information that a patient provides us and give them the option to decide what is best for themselves and for their bodies. “

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