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Want to Get Water Out of Your iPhone? Apple Says Using Rice Is Not a Good Idea


While the iPhone and other smartphones represent incredible technological progress, they remain susceptible to an old-age problem: When submerged or otherwise doused in water, they can be potentially ruined. Some people believe that shoving the devices into a bag of uncooked rice can get the liquid out and avoid water damage. Now, as The Guardian reports, Apple has officially addressed that approach.

In short, they think it’s a pretty bad idea.

In a support page dedicated to advice about wet iPhones, the company has a blunt message for rice proponents: “Don’t put your iPhone in a bag of rice. Doing so could allow small particles of rice to damage your iPhone.”

Apple also cautions against using an external heat source, like a hair dryer or space heater, to try and dry the phone. Compressed air isn’t recommended, either. If a connector is wet, you’re not supposed to use a cotton swab or paper towel. All of it risks damaging the iPhone’s internal components.

That’s quite a laundry list of things not to do. So how should you treat an iPhone that’s been exposed to water?

Apple advises users with a wet iPhone to first unplug it from its charging cable, and make sure the cable is also unplugged from a power outlet. Next, tap the device against the palm of your hand with the connector facing down so any liquid inside the device can escape.

Apple then recommends leaving the iPhone in an area with some airflow. So, not in a drawer or enclosed space. Placing it in front of a fan is fine. Wait 30 minutes, then try charging it or connecting an accessory. If the connector is still wet, wait 24 hours.


Jake Rossen

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