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Walking in the woods: what to take on a family adventure – Growing Family


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Heading out into nature is a great way for the family to enjoy quality time together. It’s also a fantastic opportunity to put down the tech and learn to appreciate the world around you.

If you happen to have some public woodland near your home, it’s a great destination for a family day out. You can pack a picnic, get some exercise, and reconnect with each other away from the stresses of busy family life. And of course, it’s also a free family adventure.

When walking in the woods, it’s a good idea to think about items that you can pack to make the trip more enjoyable for everyone. Here’s a few suggestions for what to take on a family adventure in nature.

Wearing sunglasses

If you’re walking in the woods, it’s likely that there will be lots of gaps between the trees. These gaps can look absolutely beautiful when the sunlight shines through, illuminating the area. At the same time, this can also make it hard to see, especially if it’s a bright day.

Having a nice pair of sunglasses handy will allow you to still see everything without having to deal with glare. Taking sunglasses for your children too could make playing that much easier. If the kids are using sunglasses, it might be a good idea to think about attaching the frames to a chain so that, should they get knocked off your child’s face, they won’t fall and get lost or broken.

first aid plasters on blue background

Plasters and first aid supplies

Although you may not want to take much with you on your walk, some basic first aid items are a very good addition to your rucksack. Children are more likely to fall over or hurt themselves at some point, especially if they haven’t been walking long or get over-excited. Tree roots and slippery leaves could also lead to falls.

Make sure you pack some plasters to cover any scrapes, as well as antibacterial wipes and cream, tissues, and hand gel. You may also want to pay attention to the area where your child fell, as some plants can cause reactions or allergies.

small child walking in the woods on a sunny day

Sun protection

Sun cream is a must for outdoor adventures. Even if it’s a cloudy day, you can easily get caught out. Sun hats are invaluable for keeping everyone safe and comfortable too.

plastic food boxes filled with snacks

Snacks and drinks

A supply of healthy snacks and drinks is definitely worth finding space for when you plan a day out with the kids. If you’re walking in the woods, chances are you won’t be coming across many shops!

Snacks are a great way to boost flagging energy levels, and drinks are essential to keep everyone hydrated, especially when the weather is warm. Dried fruit, breadsticks, rice cakes and popcorn all travel well. When it comes to drinks, water is the best option; aim to avoid anything fizzy as the bottles will no doubt get jiggled around in your bags.

litter picking when walking in the woods

A carrier bag

While you may have honourable intentions when walking in the woods, not everyone behaves in the same way unfortunately. Taking a carrier bag with you allows you to collect any wrappings or rubbish from snacks and protect the environment.

At the same time, with the use of some disposable gloves, you can give the area you visit a little care by doing some litter picking. Litter can do a great deal of harm to the environment, from animals and plants right down to the soil. Even though you may not have made the mess, taking responsibility can help to keep that area of woodland as healthy as possible.

Hopefully this list of what to pack for a family adventure in nature makes it easier for you to have a fun day out. Have you got any must-haves for nature exploration to add to the list?

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Planning a nature adventure with the kids?  Check out this packing guide for family walking in the woods before you set off.



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