Self Help
Vision Board Checklist (Free Printable Download)
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Vision boards are one of the most empowering tools available when it comes to setting plans and reaching dreams. They set your mind on the right track, removing all unnecessary distractions and opening up opportunities to accomplish your goals.
But to make all these things possible, you need to know the best materials for creating an effective vision board. Fortunately, we have put together a comprehensive supplies list to help you on your way.
Let’s check it out!
Free Printable Vision Board Checklist
1. Display Board
A display board is the foundation of your vision board. It is where you will be pasting, taping, and pinning all the important symbols of your dreams. There are many kinds of display boards, and they come in different sizes, colors, and materials.
2. Cutting Tools
Your cutting tools can include either a scissors or a cutter, although we recommend you have both. You may also want to purchase a craft knife to help decorate your display board. You might also enjoy using decorative scissors for your paper-cut designs.
3. Glue
Most people use white glue when creating their vision boards—particularly for long-term goals. For short-term goals, you might want to use tape instead, as it is easier to replace with new short-term goals. You may also use pushpins, magnets, or putty, depending on what type of display board you have.
4. Adhesive Tape
There are several kinds of tape you can use for your vision board. Some are plain and have one color (best for minimalists), while others are covered with designs and figures.
5. Markers
Markers are used to design the words on your vision board. There are many kinds of markers, and you may want to have one of each type.
6. Stickers
Stickers are like adhesive tape in that they add a personal touch to your vision board. There are many available stickers out there to choose from.
7. Inspiring Quotes
Vision boards are designed to make you feel more inspired and motivated, so we recommend adding handwritten quotes or using quote stickers to make your board more stimulating.
8. Magazine Cutouts
Creating a vision board is a lot like designing a scrapbook filled with cutouts and crafts. Don’t stress yourself out looking for pictures on the Internet and then printing them out—just browse through your old magazines at home and see which ones best fit your vision board.
To make things easier, here is a downloadable and printable checklist of the supplies you need to start your vision board right now:
Download Your Free Copy of the Vision Board Checklist

Final Thoughts on Vision Board Supplies
It is helpful to know the best supplies when setting out to create your vision board, and it is also important to understand that everything is connected.
For example, you have to determine what type of display board you want to use first (e.g., corkboard, whiteboard, poster board) in order to know what kind of adhesive materials you will need.
Since you are putting a lot of effort into creating an effective, beautiful vision board, you might as well choose the best materials. Good luck on your vision board journey!
And if you’re looking for more resources on making effective vision boards, be sure to read these articles:
Finally, if you don’t know how to get started with this strategy, then check out this FREE printable worksheet and a six-step process that will help you create the PERFECT vision board.
Jessa Pangilinan
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