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Vishal’s Healing Journey – YourDOST Blog


“Sometimes the only way to move forward is to let go.” – Ted Mosby, How I Met Your Mother.

Remember Ted Mosby from How I Met Your Mother? Like him, many of us find ourselves caught between letting go of old heartbreaks and embracing new beginnings. The journey isn’t smooth, but finding the right support can make all the difference.

Meet Vishal, a 25-year-old who worked in the Sales department at BYJU’S.

Vishal was born and raised in Chennai, but he currently lives in Bangalore. Although he enjoys his new city, he often thinks about his childhood and friends back in Chennai.

“My childhood days, schooling, and college were spent in Chennai and all my friends are there in the city. Now, I am in Bangalore but I kind of miss Chennai.”

Vishal got married and moved to Bangalore with his wife. Sadly, Vishal’s father passed away on January 3rd, which was a huge loss for him and made him go through a long period of pain and grief.

He has fond memories of his parents, who he describes as his great friends. Vishal’s mother and younger brother still live in Chennai, and his wife’s parents live with them.

“Me and my wife have been friends since school, known each other for over 15 years. We are blessed to have such wonderful parents.”

Life hasn’t always been easy for Vishal. Two years ago, he went through some tough times. During this period, he heard about YourDOST from BYJUs, which partners with the organization as their official mental health partner. Here he met his counsellor, Ms. Krishna, who made a big difference for him.

“She was good at listening and used to pick up points from my earlier sessions and guide me. Her empathy and attention made me feel heard and understood.”

Vishal sought counselling due to a past toxic relationship. It was a mentally draining relationship but he was deeply in love with the girl and considered the girl as his everything

Even after the breakup, moving on was hard. When Vishal started dating his now-wife, he felt he had rushed things which added to his stress. This emotional disturbance led him to seek help to prepare for a new future.

One major issue Vishal faced was insomnia and sleeplessness.

“I forgot how to sleep because things were constantly bothering me and it was a deeply painful phase for me.”

Ms. Krishna suggested practical techniques, like waking up to read if he couldn’t sleep and writing down his thoughts to see if they were rational.

“When you continue to write a proper list of things which bother you every day, you will understand the pattern and this exercise helped me identify and dismiss unnecessary thoughts that arose in my mind”

Writing down his thoughts was very helpful. Ms Krishna helped Vishal understand the difference between rational and irrational thoughts, guiding him to a better mental space.

“Giving advice and constantly guiding you can be done by anyone. However, Krishna was my rock in tough times and I could depend on her for my worries. She was extremely patient and kind enough to let me rant on about my worries, and I could not be more thankful for her.”

Vishal now rates himself a 4 out of 5 in terms of feeling better and knows that improvement takes time. His story is a testament to the fact that good things come your way if you have the patience to wait for them.

We at YourDOST believe Vishal is on his way to reaching that perfect 5 and wish him all the best in his future endeavours!

Vishal’s Warrior Tips:
1.“If you have good friends and a good partner who understands you wholeheartedly, there is no space for any other thoughts to bother you in life.”
2.“Whenever you are going through tough times talking with your friends is extremely good.”


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