Welcome to VG247’s Best Games Ever Podcast: Episode 38 – The best game you’d never believe was from that developer.

Hi-Fi Rush is a joyous cel-shaded rush of a rhythm combat game with a tone and art style not unlike Jet Set Radio, and it’s surprising, because it comes from a studio most widely known for Evil Within, a spiritual follow-up to Resident Evil, and Ghostwire Tokyo, which is sort of like Far Cry: Shibuya via Siren Blood Curse. It’s not the only example of a surprising or incongruous game from a developer, or studio, that is mostly known for one type of thing.

But what’s the best game that you’d never believe was from a particular developer? That’s what we’re here to find out!

Here’s an artist’s impression of Chris Bratt disapproving of change. (Support friends of VG247, People Make Games, on Patreon).

Cast: Tom Orry, Alex Donaldson, Connor Makar, and Jim Trinca.

Our picks this week (SPOILERS AHEAD):

Tom – Crash Bandicoot

Would you believe that Crash Bandicoot is from the same people who did *checks notes* Way of the Warrior?

Alex – Alien Isolation

Creative Assembly are a strategy studio who make strategy games for the strategy market. But every now and then they get bored and revitalise the survival horror genre with a pitch-perfect licenses title that wins universal acclaim (outside of America). Well, they only did that once, tbh. But that’s why it’s such a good pic.

Connor – Who Framed Roger Rabbit

Would you believe that the Resident Evil guy cut his teeth on cartoon tie-ins for children? If you were a kid in the early 90s it might not be so surprising, but if you’ve only ever associated the Capcom logo with survival horror and Devil May Cry, it’s a pretty shocking fact.

“What is VG247’s Best Games Ever Podcast?” you ask? Well, it is essentially a 30-minute panel show where people (Jim Trinca and associates) decide on the best game in a specific category. That’s it. It’s good. Listen to it.

Come back in a week for another exciting instalment of VG247’s Best Games Ever Podcast.

Jim Trinca

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