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Valentine’s Day 2023: A Single’s Survival Guide | Zoosk


Valentine’s Day 2022 is a year behind us and it’s now time to gear up for Valentine’s Day 2023! There’s plenty to be positive about this year and now’s the moment to be our best selves!

If you’re single and wondering what to do on Valentine’s Day 2023, I’m here to offer my two cents on what to do to still have a loved-up kinda day. I want to help get you in the right mindset and arm yourself with a few action steps not only to make February 14 a happy one but also a day that’ll launch you into 2023 with an open and positive outlook!

Valentine’s Day 2023: A Guide to Making it Goodie

Avoid social media 

Ok, before you call me a crazy person, hear me out. One of the biggest problems with social media as a society is that it can increase FOMO and feelings of loneliness, disappointment, and inadequacy. You may think you’re just checking in on family and friends, but when you see others experiencing Valentine’s Day in a way that makes you wish you had, the truth of the matter is that it can negatively impact your mood. 

Your goal this year is to find a way to maximize happiness and minimize any chance of feeling the blues. Making a plan to avoid going on social media for at least 24 hours on or around February 14 can help do just that.

Write yourself a card 

I know that giving yourself a card for Valentine’s Day may seem uninspiring. But, I’m not talking about forcing yourself to go out and buy a card at the grocery store and giving it to yourself (although if that makes you happy please do). What I suggest is getting some beautiful stationery and writing down all the good things you have done in the past year, the things you like most about yourself, and what brings you joy. 

Maybe you’ve overcome some incredible personal obstacles in the past year that you’re proud of? Or maybe you’ve tried some new activities and made some unexpected friends that excite you? Whatever it is, focus on the positives and the things that make you smile and enjoy recognizing the accomplishment in that.

Dedicate the whole day to yourself 

Valentine’s Day 2023 is on Tuesday this year but that doesn’t mean it’s a day for getting caught up in work and not focusing on yourself. Your goal starting now is to sit down and start planning what your perfect day might look like. 

Begin by making a list of your favorite activities or guilty pleasures. Then pick one or two things from that list and make them happen. It could be ordering in your favorite take-out or candlelit yoga, taking a doubly-long bubble bath with a book, or watching a Romantic Comedies marathon. 

Think about what will feel good for you. Do you want to dress up and put on some red lipstick for a Zoom catch-up with friends? Or is it a day of solitude in your PJs? Whatever you choose, remember it is YOUR day and you can be as selfish as you want to be, just make sure to make an actual plan for yourself for the day! 

Do something nice for someone 

As much as this is a perfect ‘me day’, make sure to take a moment to connect with the other important people in your life too. It’s true, you may not be in that forever relationship yet, but that doesn’t mean you can’t tap into that special sharing and giving part of you. 

This can be as simple as sending someone a simple handmade card or flowers or even just a nice text wishing them the very best Valentine’s Day possible and thanking them for being in your life.

Buy yourself a nice gift 

Like many around the world, you have had a very trying couple of years and this little gift is a way to thank yourself for being you and continuing to push forward in challenging times.

The gift can be practical or a splurge, but the intent is to make the purchase a conscious effort to give something to you, from you… no strings attached. Buy yourself 100 roses or an air fryer – truly whatever floats your boat and will make your heart smile! 

Plan Your Valentine’s Day 2024 

New Year’s is usually the time for resolutions, but if you want the next Valentine’s Day to be the one you share with that special someone you have to start working towards making it happen. And when I say work, I do mean work. 

When I was a struggling single in my early 30s I knew I had to change things up. I flipped the switch and made it a goal to find the man of my dreams. I truly treated this goal as a job, not as some idyllic dream. My action steps included reading self-improvement and relationship-building books, as well as putting myself out there on dating sites and single’s events.

Within one year of that choice and by sticking to my plan, I met the man of my dreams. We have been married for almost a decade now. This can be you too if you want to make it happen enough to take steps in that direction. 

Dating, especially on Valentine’s Day 2023, may look a bit different to years past, but if you plan for what would make you feel good you can enjoy celebrating YOU and the special people in your life on the day! Remember that there’re many different kinds of love and many different kinds of ways to celebrate that! This year, be your great love and plan your perfect kinda day! You deserve it!

If you feel like you could benefit from some more support reach out to Amie here. Amie Leadingham is a Master Certified Relationship Coach. Her greatest accomplishments come from seeing her clients find lasting love, and she offers a 30 minute Free Relationship Readiness Review here.  Amie has been named one of LA’s “Best Dating Coaches” by DatingAdvice and featured in a variety of media outlets including the CBS Network, Fox 5 News, People Entertainment Weekly Channel, HelloGiggles and Martha Stewart Weddings. Grab her free eBook, 5 Dating Traps Keeping You Single here.


Amie Leadingham

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