Tampa Bay, Florida Local News
VA expanding access to health care as Florida sees increases in enrollees
TAMPA, Fla. — The Department of Veterans Affairs is working to expand health care for veterans as Florida sees one of the highest increases for enrollees.
The Department of Veterans Affairs reports a 30% increase in vets enrolling for VA health care over the last year. Florida has one of the highest increases, with almost 33,000 new enrollees.
In an effort to expand access to that care, the Department of Veterans Affairs is opening more health care clinics. Sabal Park Clinic opened in Hillsborough County in February. Associate Chief of Staff for Primary Care Dr. Brian Zilka says the clinic offers comprehensive services under one roof.
“Having some of the extended team members, so: social work, pharmacy, nutrition and mental health care, we have consult rooms built in to see the patients right in the clinic,” said Zilka, who adds lab services will eventually be available, too.
Eighty-eight-year-old Army veteran Willie Pinkston Sr. is a patient at the new Sabal Park Clinic. He and his wife, Sonja Pinkston, say convenience is key.
“She’s got me in good shape so far,” said Willie Pinkston of his primary care provider.
“It’s closer for us, it saves on the gas, it’s good,” said Sonja Pinkston.
The Pinkstons add they rely on that convenient care in retirement.
Zilka mentions that he is proud of the wait times.
“We’re very proud of our ability to see patients well under twenty days for new patients in Tampa,” said Zilka.
To expand even further, another new VA clinic is set to open in Polk County in July.
Melissa Eichman
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