Have you ever wondered how African wild dogs coordinate their activities, especially before embarking on a hunt?

Wild dogs employ a myriad of vocalizations and non-vocal signals to communicate within their pack, and surprisingly, sneezing plays a crucial role in their social dynamics. Yes, sneezing!

This unique behaviour is often observed during social interactions, particularly preceding a hunt. Sneezing is believed to be a form of communication to coordinate the pack’s activities.

Wild dog packs are led by an alpha male and female who handle breeding and decision-making. Despite the appearance of an authoritarian hierarchy, research suggests that the pack’s decision to go on a hunt is a democratic process, albeit with a fascinating twist.

Votes are cast by way of sneezes…

Je Wild Dog And Pups In River

In the Okavango Delta of Botswana, researchers have discovered that decision-making involves “votes” cast through sneezes. Before a hunt, the pack engages in a lively ritual called a ‘social rally,’ initiated by a single dog. This rally transforms the pack into an energetic display of wagging tails, touching heads, muzzling, and animated dashes. The rally concludes with the pack either excitedly setting off on a hunt or dispersing for a nap.

Sdz 9405 Wild Dog Play Low Angle

So how is the final outcome decided?

The crucial decision is determined by sneezes, with pack members using sneezing to express their agreement to the proposal to go hunting. The more sneezes, the higher the likelihood of the pack embarking on a hunt, with the frequency peaking just before setting off.

CT Wild Dog Pack

But that’s not all…

Interestingly, the researchers observed that the higher a dog’s rank in the pack, the more influential their sneeze was. So, for example, a high-ranking pack member may have to sneeze just three times to achieve the same result as a lower-ranked member who may have to sneeze 10 times.

It appears that higher-ranking members of the pack have to sneeze less often to achieve agreement.

CT Wild Dogs Land Rover

This is a form of democracy, modified to reflect rank. Persistent lower-ranking dogs can achieve the desired results if they are persistent, and sneeze often enough. As such, the ‘will of the group’ may override dominant preferences when the consensus of subordinates is sufficiently great.

While vocalizations like hoos, squeals, whines, and barks are more commonly associated with communication in wild dogs, the inclusion of sneezing as a communicative behaviour is an interesting aspect of their social dynamics.

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Next time you are sitting with a pack of wild dogs while they are resting, try and notice if any of them start to sneeze? And how many sneezes will it take to get the pack up?

Jess Shillaw

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