Unusually Numerous
We had an unusual number (not that unusual, it was an integer) of interesting
submissions this week; some were saved for special editions, some of the others follow.
Ian C.
obscured a part of his own unusual number, saying
"New Scientist are taking the science a bit too far for your integer subscriber number."
Just a case of better safe than sorry, or
is that really a secret number, Ian?
An anonymous alpinist reports
"Meta correctly differentiates Zürich and that other Switzerland."
Regarding this internal dispute, the rest of the world must remain neutral.
Argle B.
discovered a new naughty word.
"I tried to comment on one of my favorite discontinued candies.
Apparently Sen-Sen is now profane. Leave it to those Sen-Sens
at Microsoft to do it." Are there ANY remaining
words that someone hasn't found
an obscene use for yet?
Marcus K.
"Looks like someone didn't finish resolving their conflicts." Whitespace?
Finally, long-suffering reader
Michael R.
"Hmmm, which one of my same numbers shall I use today?" Try the thrid one, Michael.

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Lyle Seaman
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