Family & Parenting
Unique Ways To Improve Your Sleep At Night
Do you have a hard time falling asleep? There are so many reasons why this may be so. I personally find it helpful to have all the lights turned off, no tiny little lights anywhere, and then have soft instrumental music playing, or other white noise. Here are some other ways to help your sleep.
Not everyone is able to get a good night’s sleep every night. Even people without clinically diagnosed sleep problems or disorders can experience difficulties falling asleep and staying asleep. This is even more true if they have a stressful job, large responsibilities or young children.
Going extended periods without a good night’s sleep won’t only negatively affect your mood and performance during the day, but it can also cause serious health problems. It could lead to rapid and unwanted weight gain or increased susceptibility to certain diseases. To avoid this, try tackling your sleep problems immediately. Here are some unique ways to improve your sleep at night.
1. Try a CBD product for sleep.
Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the active ingredients in cannabis from the hemp plant. Its non-psychoactive properties have made it legal in many countries and even recommended by certain medical professionals. CBD might have multiple health and wellness benefits and has been used in different products for different purposes.
One of the many useful properties of CBD is its calming/soothing properties. Although not enough studies exist, many people believe that CBD might help modulate the sleep cycle, ensuring the body goes through the normal REM sleep stages without any abnormal interruptions. This makes it great for improving the quality and quantity of sleep you get at night. So, it wouldn’t hurt to try out a CBD product to improve your sleep; try out the OTO CBD for sleep range.
2. Increase your exposure to bright light during the day.
Your body’s circadian rhythm, which acts as a natural clock, affects your hormones and brain activity. It tells your body when to go to sleep and when to wake up. Exposing yourself to bright light during the day helps your circadian rhythm function properly; it will properly regulate your body’s energy levels during the day and sleep quality/quantity at night.
Studies report that people with insomnia recorded better sleep after increased exposure to daylight. They could fall asleep faster at night and sleep throughout with fewer interruptions. Even if you work from home, try stepping out for a few minutes during the day to give your body a daily healthy exposure to light. If your shifts at work make this difficult, try investing in bright bulbs or any artificial light source.
3. Stay away from caffeinated drinks/beverages in the evening.
Coffee and other caffeinated drinks are consumed daily by almost 90% of Americans. Due to its potency and ability to rapidly increase energy levels and sports performance, this substance is a common energy source.
Although caffeine has multiple benefits, it can also become quite addictive. Some people become so dependent on it that they cannot function properly without at least one cup of coffee a day. This could be manageable if you stick to ingesting this natural stimulant only in the daytime, but having some in the evening could affect your sleep quality. In the evening, you need to aim for drinks, food and activities to help you sleep. Caffeine is the complete opposite of this.
Penniless Parenting
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