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Unexpected Places That’ll Take Your Unwanted Items


I love to organize and clear out the clutter. It makes my house feels so much more pleasant, it is a great way to have a new look without spending money. Decluttering also means a lot of stuff gets thrown out. I couldn’t call myself a little hippie-ish if I toss half my stuff into a landfill. I mean this isn’t just an aesthetic. On my mission, I found a lot of places that take recycling or reuse the old items you no longer need. If you’re curious here is a shortlist of places you can donate, or recycle, your unwanted items.

For electronics Best Buy

I had a ton of old wires and a broken hairdryer and flatiron that couldn’t be used anymore. I knew my local recycling place didn’t take them but best buy does. They actually take a myriad of different old electronics and accessories. Call your local best buy to make sure they have the program and check here to see what they take.

Old Make Up/ Skincare

Usually, I like to reuse my packaging when possible but admittedly sometimes they end up in the “everything” drawer till I find a use for it. That is until I found out about Terracycle a company that you can ship your used makeup and skincare bottles to (find out more here) if you want to toss your unused, not expired make-up donate it to a woman in need through Share Your Beauty.


Most people just give it all to goodwill but after learning of some of their gross packages and wanting my items to actually help someone in need I took the extra step and only donate to the blue bins. You could also donate to your local women’s shelter.


Old unused furniture that no one in your family needs or wants is great for Habitat for humanity. I usually don’t like to give to organizations that will sell my items but Habitat for Humanity focuses on building and repairing homes for low-income families they also do free pick-ups and isnt all going into people’s pockets. It’s better to go to someone than to rot in a landfill.

I hope this helped with your decluttering I have another post that will walk you through the process (check it here ) if you need help. Also don’t forget to check your local shelters and programs to see if you can give it to those less fortunate. We all can use a little help sometimes so don’t forget to let love rule and share with your friends! Thanks for reading.



Kimberly Rae

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